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  1. You know, that's pretty smart, I'm starting to get optimistic now 😁
  2. thanks for all the tips, I'll see what's easiest to find around me and just try a bit of everything probably
  3. I guess I know what I'm gonna go buy tomorrow then, thanks so much 👍
  4. yeah, I've heard it's very effective, but it's really hard to get in any quantity where I live. biggest bottles I can find I think is a quart, but I guess I can fill it up with a couple of those and just slosh it around for a good long while maybe
  5. Hey folks. I'm currently going through ich treatment on my 90 gallon, and as part of that I started with a water change. I'm just wondering what to do about my python water changer now, and how to go about making it safe again. I don't want to reintroduce ich to my tank when I do a new water change after treatment when I use it. most of what I've read says to let it dry out completely, but it's 25 feet long and just never completely dries out. can I hook it up to my sink and run hot water through it for like 30 minutes or something, or does anyone have a suggestion? my other tanks are starting to be due a water change too and I worry about how long I'm gonna have to go the bucket route with those before it's safe to use again
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