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  1. Ah. I'd just add live plants. My snails usually hit the surface because of low oxygen, but that's less of an issue since you have an actual filter.
  2. They came in freshwater as by catch with a different species of lampeye, micropanchax luxophalmus. M. luxophtalmus is supposed to be a purely freshwater fish. I asked the seller to try to get more info from their distributor, but they didn't get an answer. I would just leave them in freshwater, but I didn't see any breeding behavior at all until I added a tablespoon of salt to their 3 gallon tank.
  3. I'd start with a water change and some aquarium salt. If it doesn't improve (or at least not get worse) after a day or two, then go to the maracyn.
  4. I have some lampeyes that are supposed to be a brackish water species, but there's apparently at least one population that has been found in fresh water. I tried to drip acclimate my fish to more brackish water over a day, but they don't seem to tolerate it really well. When I approach a tablespoon of marine salt per gallon, they become less interested in food, their lower GI tract turns red, and they aren't as interested in fighting/breeding. They perked up a lot when I did a big water change. Since this species is supposed to have longer lifespans and breed more easily in brackish water, I'm wondering how I tell whether I acclimated too quickly vs. these are just a freshwater population? Anybody have any ideas?
  5. I wouldn't worry about ammonia in a moina culture. My moina culture stays pretty nasty, since it's usually old water from the bottom of my fry tubs. I've added green water starter culture and sometimes moss to it to absorb some of the nutrients. How do you avoid filtering out the moina? I just use air stones on mine.
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