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  1. I agree)) it’s so difficult waiting))
  2. Amazing, I have fritzyme 7 and I will be able to add it more. About plants - all plants I bought in Aquarium Co-Op.
  3. I ordered a bottle of ammonia, I will receive it on Wednesday and start adding it to my aquarium, thanks for all your advice. I used for my tank just fertiliser and the fritz complete, I added almost 18 not big plants.
  4. Thank you Tony again for your help me, appreciated.
  5. What do you think, maybe I need to stop with adding fertiliser for plants? Now I add twice a week fertiliser easy green.
  6. It looks like I need to wait a couple weeks more, right? Do I need to change 20% of water during these two weeks? Also, please, help me with understanding problem with algae ((( Do I need to add Fritz fuel?
  7. I’m not sure (( what kind of ammonia source do you mean?
  8. Good evening everyone)) I really need advice on whether I am doing everything right to start a new aquarium. Inputs: 55 gallon tank, fluval 407 canister filter, two medium sponge filters, tank decor - natural driftwood and artificial decorations, all plants live. Water was poured into the aquarium exactly two weeks ago, I used tap water and added conditioner according to the instructions. I planted the plants on the third day after adding water, that is, 11 days ago. I used fertilizers in the form of capsules for plants. I also added bacteria to the water according to the instructions. for two weeks I did two 20% water changes each week. but what I have as a result today is terrible test results for nitrates and nitrites ((I thought that live bacteria would accelerate the nitrogen cycle and I would be able to add snails to the aquarium two weeks after adding water and three weeks after the start I would be able to add the first undemanding fish. but the test results show me that something is wrong with my tank(((what am I doing wrong? do I have to be patient and wait for the water parameters to improve? or did I make some mistakes? I also noticed on two- on three leaves of anubias there is some kind of algae, like light fluff (( I am adding all the photos for the completeness of the story and I really need help.
  9. you mean it's better to order fish grown in an aquarium, right?
  10. I’m glad to hear your nice words about Dans fish! You really helped me, now I know that I am doing everything right for my new tank. I am going to wait a few weeks before buying fish, I would like to get good results of tests for water and now I don’t worry about hard water))
  11. Yes, I have a pet smart and petco near me, but I’m thinking about buying fish at Dan’s Fish, what do you think about this online store? So, in result I don’t need to be worried about my hard water, right? It can be safe for some kind of tropical fish, correctly?
  12. Tony, thank you so much for your consultation, the only thing I didn’t understand - what is ro? Thank you for your support, for me it’s very important.
  13. in the new aquarium, I plan to keep tetras, danio rerio and a couple of catfish species. I read that hard water is not useful for tetras ((is it possible to use boiled water so that the water is softer as a result? I'm sorry if I'm not writing correctly in English, I moved from Ukraine to America only five months ago, I can be wrong))
  14. Hello everybody. I need your help, the hardness of the water in the aquarium is more than 301, what and how can I soften the water?
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