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South Florida

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  1. Hello. I have 14 super orange koi angels that are currently growing out. Will they turn more orange or will they get more white as they mature? Thanks.
  2. Hello. I am starting a process of building a breeding pallet rack which will be 7 feet tall and 6 feed wide. It will be able to hold thousands of pounds as it's a commercial rack that you would see Home Depot using to store heavy items. This will have an auto change system to make my life easier. I used to breed fish my entire life but now I am getting into it seriously after moving to South Florida and my house being built on a concrete pad so no more anxiety about my wooden floors caving. What size tanks do you recommend from your experience when it comes to breeding? I was planning on doing 20 gallon highs on two shelves and one shelf full of 10 gallons. The front to back with of the rack is 28 inches so can fit multiple sizes but I'm more concerned about getting the right sizes in there to make my life as ideal as it gets. I plan on breeding these fish: Cories Angels Livebearers Apistos Please let me know if you have any suggestions and where I can buy tanks in bulk. I tried looking online at Petco but they only have like 2 in stock for each size. Hoping to get the Petco discount if they're running it on tanks soon. Thank you.
  3. Thank you all, I'm going to run it above the ptrap and hope it all works out.
  4. Thank you, appreciate the help. I just hope that once I put the rack up the lowest aquarium is higher than the p-trap. If not can I make the ptraps go lower or will that be a problem?
  5. Hello. New here but have kept fish for about 30 years. Setting up a breeding rack with maybe 10 aquariums and would like it to drain into my sink drain. My rack will be behind a wall where this sink is and I am planning on drilling a hole through the wall to attach my water discharge to the sink. Any ideas where I would attach my aquarium drain to my sink drain? Should I attach before the ptrap or after? Attaching pictures of what the underneath of my sink looks like. Currently my sink has two ptraps and the diswasher drains into one of them. Should I just do the same with the aquarium as the dishwasher? Thank you.
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