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@rjv23My dropper bottle should be here tomorrow, had to order through amazon, as local shops didn't have any. so i'm going to do your method of 7.5G in 100ml. the PP i have is powder form, and cant find a Mg scale nearby. if I'm using your liquid method for a 2L container I would use 1 drop right? or do I go up to 2 drops like the ultraclear site you sent me mentioned?
@rjv23Thank you very much this is helpful. I do need to get a smaller scale, my digital scale doesn't measure in MG I mostly use it for baking/cooking in larger volumes, however I know 4Mg is about 1/16 of a teaspoon I believe, or I need a dripper bottle and premix it like you mentioned below. I'll go find a dripper bottle today or tomorrow maybe, then I can try using this dripper method as I can measure out grams easier then MG and just add 1 drop in his 2L container for his bath.
@rjv23The kanaplex slowed it, but didn't solve the issue, it's still slowly spreading, and the white fungal bit is still there. the black spots are slowly moving in but not severe yet. No worries about being hesitant, truthfully I'm so out of my depth, that everything I do worries me. I just appreciate having someone with experience in this, as I worry sometimes I'm too hesitant or too proactive. so I'm always bouncing between the two. And also pretty much anything I read or am told if I don't use it right away, I make a list of things to try after each treatment. He's not really active, he spends 99% of his time hiding in his betta log, but he is still coming out to eat, just as soon as he eats he goes back into hiding/resting. I can provide a pic or video if that helps at all? but I know it's kind of hard to tell anything from that.
@rjv23All right , yeah I just wanted to clarify, I couldn't read the instructions on bottle so had to google it, but wanted to double check. I'm overly cautious. how soon after kanaplex do you think its safe to try your salt dip method? it's day 2 since his last antibiotic treatment. he's a little weak, but not sure if it's antibiotic or just long illness getting to him
@rjv23 Also sorry again, the quote above, you said you use small tanks, but did you really mean 1.5 drops per liter or was that a typo? wasn't sure if that was a mistake as it would be roughly 30 drops per 20 liter only ask cause I was going to put some in his QT after he rested in treatment bin? he is on his 2nd day of rest since the antibiotic, I wanted to give him a couple days to recoup before I did the salt dip. unless you don't think it's required, I figured you were probably busy and this would give him some time to rest between treatments while I waited for your reply.
@rjv23 A lot of info here, Thank you. I do have Fluval Bug bites, it's his primary food at the moment, I do give him some Freeze dried daphnia every couple days with bug bites, just because I read that is suppose to help their digestion, and I had a betta die from a blockage before, so got paranoid. I'm looking into the Aquaculture probiotics now with the info you gave me. I might be able to find a commercial distributor out western Canada (seems to be where most of the aquatic hobby/culture is) and maybe some affordable options, and fulvic acid, assuming that should alter PH a bit as well, which my PH is kinda high but he's been use to it.
@rjv23Thanks, I got ya, I won't use anything in my MT. How many times/often did you have to do the dips to see results? like over a week or two period? just asking because this has been fairly stubborn fin rot, so trying to plan/prepare for worst case. I really thought Kanaplex would show results, and while the hole didn't expand, the black/white fuzzy bit doesn't look better and the black bit seems to be spreading. sorry I've been asking a lot of different questions, when I started betta fish keeping they didn't tell me anything, had to learn it all from the internet. so I'm pretty cautious and i'm very attached to this little guy. hoping to keep him around for a couple more years as he's only about 1.5-2 years old, not sure how old he was when I got him. so assuming he was about 2-5 months when bought him.
@rjv23 Ah okay, Yeah I have some almond leaves and some rooibos tea, both are not treated, and the tea is caffeine free etc. it's just the red tea, I'm going to be dunking him tomorrow in the treatment you recommended as it's his weekly water change in QT , the antibiotics I think slowed it, but it's still spreading slowly. so going to use some of his water tomorrow in the containers treat him in them, then i'll change his water, and after treatment i'll put him back in his QT tank, I got him a betta log to hide in as well, he spends 95% of the day in it now only time comes out is when I drop food in front of him. I'm hoping this works, as I'm running out of things to try. I figured the anti-biotics should handle it. and it seemed to at the first couple days it halted but now it's back and spreading. also when I rest him should I just put him back in his home tank with Sera omnipur? since it's cycled? my QT isn't cycled and wondering if thats what is causing this. One last thing, as I forgot, do I need to repeat this several times? or should it clear up after one bath? also does it work when the fin rot is black? it's black and white. so I know black is typically the bacteria and white is the fungus. both are considers gram negative from my understanding.
@rjv23Thanks, I appreciate all your help. Yeah, I picked up 4/ 2.5 litre containers to run the treatments in as per your recommendations, and I have the 10 gallon he can recoup in and monitor after it's finished, I'm not sure why he keeps getting fin rot, thinking during one of my previous attempts to cure it, I must have crashed his cycle in his main tank, but it seems to be back up by my water tests, so just need to cure this little guy and give him some time to recoup before putting him back in that.
@rjv23Thanks again, I do appreciate all the help truly. One last question, I googled it but not 100% sure it's accurate and I can't read the instructions on the bottle, how much Sera Omnipur A do you use in your rest tank/QT? the closest I could find was just a generic Sera Omnipur dosage which was 1ml per 20L , is that correct?
@rjv23Hey, sorry for lack of updates, the MB didn't work with the salt in his QT, so I started him on Kanaplex while I waited for the Sera omnipur A and PP to arrive, it just got arrived here today, but he's only in day 5 of his antibiotic treatment, and the spot has turned into a hole a few days ago (before treatment with Kanaplex) but I think the antibiotics have slowed or halted it, but haven't seen much healing or reduction yet. My question is, should I do those 4 dips you recommended or wait out the treatment of antibiotics now, I called Seachem and they recommended 7-14 days of antibiotics before stopping? I imagine doing both might be a bit much for his system, he's been through a lot now, I gave him about 5-7 days after MB before I did the Kanaplex. just wanted to ask as tomorrow I will be giving him his 3rd dose of antibiotic and then waiting another 48hrs, so figured you might be busy and thought this would be good to ask in the middle of treatment. I'm leaning towards waiting for antibiotics and see if they work, I fear of overtaxing him, or the antibiotic not clearing it up completely and it coming back worse.
@rjv23Just a small update, still can't tell if it's better or worse, I'm starting to slowly siphon out the MB from tank, I ordered some Sera Omnipur A it's coming from france, was the closest/fastest shipping I could get, still going to be 1-3 weeks. I also found some PP which should be here in a week or so. I have done the salt peroxide dip yet as I'm still getting him off MB, so in another few days I'll probably try that, or do the Kanaplex/jungle fuzz treatment and wait for the PP and Sera omnipur product to arrive. but being the salt/peroxide bath will probably be less stress i'll start with that. do I only do the dip once or several times a week? it's going to be a few days yet as I wanna give him a couple days to rest after I get the MB filtered out. or most of it.
Got ya, thanks. still not sure if MB is working, his 4th day in it. said to do 3-5 day treatment, the blue tint makes it really hard to see if it's progressing or not. i'll let you know when the MB is over and I try the salt. I'll probably give him a couple days in a rest after MB. just to make sure not to over stress him more then he is. I'll post another picture later today too. he came out this morning for food, but then hid back into his betta log. so I'm leaving him alone. Edit: I can order the Sera but will take a bit to get here as it seems Ebay is only place that carries it nearby, the PP I can order but I am going to talk to a friend who has a couple ponds maybe they have some, but the PP I think will be quicker to get here the other might take a week or two. It's hard to find products here with Acriflavin Hydrochloride in the ingredient lists, might be one of the substances they restrict, there was so many different pet medications/supplies they restricted a few years ago. In meantime once his MB treatment is over I'll let him rest 2-3 days and monitor if it continues to grow, I'll do Salt/peroxide dip, and I can try the Kanaplex antibiotic until the AHC and PP arrive. hopefully he lives that long, poor little guy has been fighting a lot of stuff last few months.
@rjv23It's a little hard to see with the MB in the tank, but this is it today, it's actually more white/black when seen under a neutral light. its the spot in the mid section near his body.
@rjv23Thanks, and no worries about typo, I've got at least 2 more days of MB treatment, should I continue that or stop that? or do you mean to do the salt dip, and peroxide bath then put him back in the MB QT? I'm not noticing much difference, it may have halted it? but I am hesitant to stop the treatment early as it might just make it more difficult to kill? I'm trying to get pictures of his fin every day to compare, but not having much luck in the 3.5 he hides as soon as I come over I'll try to post daily pictures as well in case I miss something. I am going to move him to the 10G at least for rest, and hopefully reduce his stress, I know it's typically the leading cause of fin rot that and water parameters. Yeah I had to order Kanaplex from the U.S as in Canada antibiotics are extremely hard to get without vet prescription. just wasn't sure if I could use it with MB and salt etc. Edit : Also the only thing I found with Acriflavin was Ruby Reef Rally, it seems to be liquid not powder, having hard time finding any products in Canada with Acriflavin listed as ingredient.