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  1. Recently test filled a 60 gal cube I’ve had around. Looked at the samples inside and the conditioner is 5 ml for 10 gal and so it will only do 20 gallon. I think it’s a silly sample for my 60 and made me laugh hard with my wife and I heard Cory say # aqueon trippin
  2. Full die back on a Crinum Calamistratum think it’ll come back? Root tabs included?
  3. Sweet I appreciate it! They didn’t look too menacing 😂
  4. Should I be concerned? Can I just scrape away? Small round disk shaped started with on wall and small (first photo) it grew and also are in other places in tank now. Heavily planted and lots of wood. 74 degree water. Test attached. 5 angels 6 corys and two plecos. Probably too many hours of light per day. Auto feed extreme nano, once-twice week baby brine, new life spectrum tropical pellet occasionally, nightly switch(bug bite, algae wafer, repashy)
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