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  1. Yes I have koi and goldfish and it is an outside pond. pH I keep it ar 7.4, nitrate 20ppm, ammonia was at 0.25 ppm I know this should be at 0 but I've had the pond for 6 years and have never been able to bring the level down to 0. I use the API fresh water test kit so I've never measured the KH.
  2. It is an outside pond, yes.
  3. Hello, I'm new to this form and am a newbie when it comes to koi diseases. I recently noticed these bumps on my koi and was wondering if anyone knew what they could possibly be. I've recently had 3 koi die within a very short time frame. One died around a month ago and the other 2 a week ago but within 2 days of each other. I have checked my chemical levels and they are normal. I would really appreciate any help you guys can give, I'm completely at a loss and don't want to lose any more koi.
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