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  1. That is an excellent point, just tested the chlorine which came back at 0. And we use a water declorinator.
  2. Yes actually just did one yesterday, per directions in prazipro.
  3. Yes It’s not all the time but they do seem do it occasionally
  4. Thank you for you quick reply. The Aquarium has been set up for 3 months. It has been cycled. It is planted. Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate are all at 0. PH is 7.9. There is has been a bristle nose plexiglass in the tank for 5 weeks. He is not itching. Correction bristlenose Pleco
  5. Hello, I need Treatment advice. I received 12 captive bred Odessa Barbs from a reputable online dealer. On day 2, I noticed some itching. By day 5 it became worse. Otherwise, they seem like they are okay. They are active and eating. I don’t see any white spots. I have added Aquarium Salt and raised temp to 80 degrees, just in case. I am 24 hours in on a PraziPro treatment. Symptoms are not getting better. Did I guess the correct treatment here? Thought it might be an external parasite. Is there anything else I should be targeting?
  6. help! Started my 75 gallon approx a month ago, only have plants and snails and found these little creatures. We are thinking female copepod with egg sacs?
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