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  1. Bought a UV sterilizer one week ago. Made a measurable difference so far. But still nowhere close to clear water. I'm just at a loss. Can anyone give me tips for possibly preventing this in the future? It has been such a downer on my centerpiece tank, and none of my other tanks have gotten even a slight bit cloudy, apart from tannins. Nothing changed on this tank besides the high end light, but it's practically dialed in to cheap amazon light specs to prevent algae. Am I just unlucky? Does an exposed planting substrate increase risk? Enlighten me please 🥺
  2. @Charlene how does the tank look? I really want to know if the UV is working for you? Mine is really starting to get under my skin. I can tell plants are starting to take off, but I can't truly appreciate it bc the water is so cloudy. First 3 months of a planted tank are so fun to witness and I have missed almost half of it now 😔
  3. Mine is only getting worse. I'm starting to question the whole leave it thing. It's been 10 days now, of not touching it. Hopefully it turns around soon. This is the first tank I have ever had this problem with. Have set up around 20 tanks over 3 years. Hopefully the UV works and I can try it, please let me know @Charlene
  4. You and I both having the same issue right now. Insane cloudy water for the last 10 days. Tried water changes, nothing. I'm just letting it ride unless you have good success with the UV.
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