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  1. Ooh very tempting idea to try 🤔 If you just go with chilis in a 31g with really good filtration, what do you think, maybe get away with having 20 - 25 or so? It wouldn’t have the same effect but it’d still be cool.
  2. Okay, thank you very much for the advice. Sounds good. I’ll keep an eye on them. 😁 @Colu
  3. Okay, I’ve been dosing with Microbe Lift Nite Out II starter bacteria but the water changes make sense. I’m not sure what is causing the weight loss and dark color though…
  4. NO2: 0.5 NO3: ~30 PH: 7 GH: 60 KH: 80 Thanks @Colu
  5. Okay, makes sense. I’ll try something bigger instead. Thanks for sparing me the loss! 🙏
  6. Hello all! I’ve read conflicting information on this compatibility so I wanted to open it up to you guys. Has anyone had success with angelfish and chile rasboras together? The tank would have plenty of plants and rocks for boundaries and territories. I was thinking a pair of koi angels with around 10ish chili’s in a 31g tank. Just throwing the idea around but looking to try a schooler other than tetras. Thanks!
  7. Hello everyone! So I have a 31 gallon community tank that has been running for about a month or so. They’ve been eating brine shrimp, bloodworms, and vibrabites. Everything has been pretty copacetic but one rainbowfish and two pearl gouramis never have seemed to gain weight like the others. Within the last week, the entire tank seems to have lost their appetite (went from feeding 2+ cubes to barely a half). Instead of everyone scarfing the food out of my hand, they are just picking at it and spitting it out. They are older juveniles so perhaps they’re just getting older? However, I’ve also noticed the one turquoise rainbow and the gouramis are very dark and not showing their normal colors with some fin clamping. I noticed the same symptoms with discus a few years ago and I believe they ended up succumbIng to parasites. The tank has been cycling but the nitrates and nitrates have been reasonable. The temp and ph have also been stable. With the pics below, do y’all think this is parasites or something else? The fish below are the 3 I’m most concerned about. Thanks for the advice! 🙏
  8. Okay, my lfs is now selling Aquarium Co-op fertilizer so I’ll pick up some of that soon.
  9. Hello! I purchased some new plants a couple of weeks ago and after some time, everything has bounced back except for some jungle valisneria. Is it normal for the plant to melt back a lot when placed in a new tank? This is my first time keeping this plant and I just want to make sure. The tank has strong lighting, no co2 and no fertilizer (for now). Thanks! 🙏
  10. Hello all! I purchased some cardinal tetras and panda garras yesterday from a lfs and within 24 hours I’ve lost 7 tetras and numerous others look like they’re on their way out. So far, every panda garra seems okay. After doing research I’m nearly certain that it is columnaris. Every article I’ve read says something different for treatment so I’m curious what you guys think is the best option. Any med recommendations? Thanks!
  11. Thank you all for the information! My plan was a pair in a planted 35g with a Fluval 307-407 canister filter due to the high bioload. We’ll see… All the information has been super helpful! 🙏
  12. Hello! I have a quick theoretical question for y’all. I have a sunroom in my house with some tropical fish. The sunroom isn’t insulated so there are some temperature swings. However, the temp doesn’t impact my warm water tanks since they all have heaters. Due to the fact that goldfish are cold water fish, I’m curious if they could tolerate these types of swings. In the summer, the room can occasionally get to 82 but the vast majority of the time it would be in the 60s or low 70s. Since goldfish are commonly kept in ponds with natural temp swings, would this be any different? I’m particularly interested in oranda goldfish. I don’t want to keep them in any inadequate condition so I wanted to see what your guys’ thought are.
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