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  1. I've put the motor in a bucket and nothing happens, I've also tried with only the impeller with the same result. So I'll try another impeller in the coming days and se if that's the issue, otherwise it's probably a lost cause.
  2. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea Cool, we have some pumps with that feature too in other tanks, this was supposed to be a temporary fix while aquascaping that turned into a permanent problem haha
  3. Okay thank you, I'll give it a try and see what happens. I haven't felt any vibrations from the motor so I suspect it's dead dead but remain hopeful out of sentimental value (it's not an expensive pump after all)
  4. My partner put a bit of cloth over the exhaust of the water pump to decrease the flow and the extra stress seems to have killed the motor. I've cleaned all the parts and such but I haven't been able to get it to start up again including without filter or anything like that. Is it a lost cause or is there any possibilities I could try before I take more drastic measures like cracking the sealed compartment with the assumption this motor is a doomed? In case it matters it's an Aqua Nova NBF-1200
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