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  1. Getting clearer! Just taking longer than expected.
  2. Mine was basically staying steady with the bacterial bloom portion for 10 days and just turned the corner. The only change I made was rearranging the order of the filter media in my filter.
  3. Tank from front and side this morning! Looking better, but not there yet!
  4. Thank you! I’ll keep you all updated on the progress with a UV filter. @andrew22xc - sorry you are having this issue, too! A local aquarium keeper told me that our town adds tons of minerals to the tap water in the summer. He told me to switch to spring water over time.
  5. Not sure it’s much better so far..
  6. Ok will do! Thanks very much!
  7. Just added a UV filter tonight. Water looks horrible at the moment.. so will see what happens in the next 24-48 hrs.
  8. We recently cut the light down from 12 hours to 8. When the water was crystal clear, we did have it on 12 hrs/day.
  9. Thank you all for your help!
  10. The plants are fake. Any thoughts on a UV sterilizer?
  11. This pic makes it look a lot greener than it actually is, but here is the tank this morning with the light on.
  12. I thought it had a green tint to it also! It’s very interesting because we recently reduced the amount of hours the light is on and we have been keeping the blinds closed in the room it’s in to make sure it’s not algae related. Would an algae eater help with this at all?
  13. Thanks in advance for any advice! Tank Parameters/Info: 37 gallon aquarium - AquaClear filter for 50 gallons+ - Sponge Filter -3 black mollies -4 platies (one is a swordtail) -1 baby fry - PH 7.4, Ammonia between 0 and 0.25, Nitrite and Nitrate 0, water is soft. The tank was set up in April, and I’ve had on and off issues with it since. The first photo that I attached is what the tank currently looks like. The other two are from middle of June. I’ve been changing water frequently (prob too often) because there were floating particles and the water had a tint. I used to have an algae eater in the tank and it seems like the water quality went downhill since he was in there. Do you think I am causing a bacterial bloom? If so, anyone know if I should do anything for it?
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