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  1. I Want this guy to Live. He’s in pristine aquarium salted, heated, sponge filtered 1.5g. I thank you for your help. I’ve already done a water change. His underside is hard to get a look at. I added maracyn. Then learned it might not be the right gram 1 or something fungus. I should’ve used maracyn 2. the article about salt therapy from aquarium co-op is new and rare thinking. Betta clubs are recommending Melafix to each other and I buy it and find out it’s snake oil. Salt was put on the back shelf as a med for fish keeping. I was being told 1tsp/gal.
  2. We discovered a fav male platy stuck in a hole of the shrimp hide yesterday. When I helped free him, I saw the damage to his fins on either side. One is gone, just stringy remains. The other is partially gone. There was a large white ‘raw’ spot on top and underneath, his belly was missing fins, and it looked like blood under the surface. He swam at the top of his male tank then went to the bottom. Last night I moved him here, in the female tank. This morning he developed this white fluff on top and underneath. At first I thought, fungus but I have never seen it grow this fast. He’s not eating. Is he healing? Or dying.. How can I make him more comfortable? I have all the meds and water treatments. thank you for your time and sound advice P.S. what was the right thing to do? It’s regrettable that I caused damage in the rescue. Can you explain in detail the best way to free a (terrified) stuck fish?
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