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  1. It started right back up after 10-20 minutes like nothing happened, no air bubbles, gurgling or any sound at all.
  2. I've had the new one for almost a week, quiet and no complaints. I had the old one and now this one on a UPS so no worries about restarting after a power failure. Although from the live chat video above, they say it can restart on it's own. I haven't tested that myself.
  3. I bought the new AC30 from Petsmart Canada today. I just happened to notice it and decided to pick it up and give it a try. So far so good, I replaced the previous style Aquaclear 20. You won't see it yet on the website, just in store. This is exactly it ... https://fluvalaquatics.com/ca/shop/product/aquaclear-ac30-power-filter-10-30-us-gal-38-114-l
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