I was using prime which should detoxify copper, so maybe that wasn't the problem. I had actually decided to use RO + remineralizer before I realized there was copper, but a while after getting the shrimp, since my tap water is GH 2/KH 2 (which I naively thought would be fine, and highly regret). I find it likely that you're right about problems on day 0 causing deaths down the road. I had a lot of deaths, and then thought it was getting better once my water was more stable at GH 5/6, so thought I had fixed it until this death (and one or two more since then 😞, I now have two or three left). I'll gradually get the gh and kh a tad higher and stable and try again with one more batch of shrimp, I think.
Does that sound like a reasonable conclusion/plan? (I won't be offended if you tell me I'm wrong being dumb, I'm here to learn!)