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  1. I was using prime which should detoxify copper, so maybe that wasn't the problem. I had actually decided to use RO + remineralizer before I realized there was copper, but a while after getting the shrimp, since my tap water is GH 2/KH 2 (which I naively thought would be fine, and highly regret). I find it likely that you're right about problems on day 0 causing deaths down the road. I had a lot of deaths, and then thought it was getting better once my water was more stable at GH 5/6, so thought I had fixed it until this death (and one or two more since then 😞, I now have two or three left). I'll gradually get the gh and kh a tad higher and stable and try again with one more batch of shrimp, I think. Does that sound like a reasonable conclusion/plan? (I won't be offended if you tell me I'm wrong being dumb, I'm here to learn!)
  2. Thanks for the replies! I've been looking really closely, and I don't think it's parasites, although the white spot I circled might be rust? I'm leaning towards no, but unsure. Since posting I tested my tap water for copper and found a very low, but noticeable amount of copper (less than .25 ppm, but noticeable). I've been instead getting RO water and remineralizing with salty shrimp GH/KH, and there is no longer a detectable level in my tank. I was planning on slowly raising the GH to about 10 and KH to 4/5 by doing small weekly water changes, each raising GH by 1 point a week. Does that sound like a good plan if I wanted to adjust my parameters?
  3. Hi, I'm pretty new to Cherry shrimp and had a bunch die at first, probably from too aggressive of water changes, and then haven't had any deaths for a few weeks until today. At first I thought it was white ring of death/failed molt, but then I saw a white spot on the side of its head and I'm not so sure. Could this be a sign of infection or parasites? KH 3 GH 5 or 6 Ph 6.8 Ammonia/nitrites and nitrates are all 0 (planted tank with only a few shrimp in it, so the plants are keeping up with the nitrates). Any help would be great, I'm starting to get a bit discouraged I should add I feed five to six times a week alternating between crab cuisine and shrimp cuisine only as much as they'll eat that day
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