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  1. Thank you again @Colu. Really appreciate your help.
  2. Thanks @Colu I appreciate it! I haven't witnessed any odd behavior but I've only had him for two weeks so I'm still figuring out personality vs illness indicators. Is there anything I should watch for on those spots that I should keep an eye on? Any indicators that something is not an injury and instead something I should treat or would changes in behavior be the biggest clue? RE ich. None of it was that high up on his body so unfortunately not visible in the shot. He had a few white spots on his back fin that have dropped off as of today so I am unable to get a pic.
  3. Hi everyone! Any help would be greatly appreciated. When we got Wilson (our Betta) about two weeks ago the entire front of his body was black. But I have noticed the color has dulled a bit as the weeks have gone on and now he has two light gray spots on the front of his body (shown with arrows in images). In addition to this he has a few tiny white spots that very clearly look like ich. We’re considering treating with Ich-X to address the ich, but want to try and figure out what these gray spots are and what we should treat it with. We're also trying to figure out if we should treat it first, at the same time, or if Ich-x will address it. - The gray spots developed about a week ago and have grown very slowly. - He seems active and curious and has a good appetite. - Included photos below. There is a video ~https://imgur.com/a/help-id-spots-on-betta-sgCjaSk~ if that is more helpful. Water Parameters: Water Temperature 79
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