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  1. I currently have had my 75 gallon tank set up for about a month now and the rams I have are doing great. Im having a bit of an issue with brown alge or diatoms. I put in a bristle nose pleco and he has done some work in the week he has been in there. Was looking for any further advice to cut down or get rid of this problem. Would a single alge eater be ok since I plan to add discus in 3 to 4 months
  2. I ended up with 12 rummy nose that are super small so nothing to worry about lol
  3. I have a 75 gallon planted tank that currently just has 2 gold rams and 2 bolivan rams. Id like to add a large school of tetras and then eventually add discus once the tanks matrues. How many tetras could I add at one time without adding to many for a new tanks bactiera is like 25 to many. And how many could I have in a tank with discus. Im just not sure how to count smaller fish into the bioload of the tank
  4. They have chased each other but this was my first time noticing something wrong with them. I'm not at home at the moment so I will have to test tonight or tomorrow @Colu
  5. Wasn't sure if those white spots on my gold ram was ich or just damage from the other ram
  6. Would bolivan Rams be ok at the higher temps that are required for discus. Currently my Bolivan and Gold rams are at about 81 and I know it would need to be like 82 to 84 for discus
  7. Was wanting to get some opinions on stocking my 75g community tank. I currently have 2 gold rams 2 bolivan rams and was looking to add like 12 to 15 pracox rainbows and then a pair of Angelfish and maybe like 6 of some type of cory's. Its filered by an fx2 and planted and just wasnt sure if that would be to much even keeping up with water changes
  8. Was Total split like 3 of each kind trying to keep to the 1 male and 2 female split between. As best as I can
  9. Is filtered with an fx2 and it is planted in trying to make it as planted as I can. And would like to stay with smaller species. I appreciate the link hopefully I can find a good amount to add. Was thinking like 20 to 25 but over time to really monitor my tanks levels
  10. Im looking to add rainbow fish and was looking at bosmani rainbowfish and praecox rainbow fish and a pair of angels and was wondering what other speiceses of rainbows would work and just a rough estamaite of how many i could add to my 75
  11. I recentley got my 75 all set up with some small fish and ALOT of plants and was wondering if it would be worth dosing some CO2 using a simple DIY setup for now and doing it slowly to help and not overdose the tank and what would be some of the best options for that. The plants in there right now are Val, Amazon swords and will be adding some java fern once it arives was also looking into crypts and dwarf hair grass in the future
  12. That makes sense I was planning on going witth Paecox first adding them and watching my levels and then adding the angels I want
  13. I was planning on doing a discus tank for my 75 gallon but after going to different fish stores and seeing all the rainbows and angels Im thinking I would like to keep angels again. I did pick up 2 bolivan rams and 2 gold rams and wasnt sure how many rainbows I could add if I decided to go with a big group of angels like 6 or if im really pushing how many fish can be in there. The tank is heaviliy planted and filtered by an fx2
  14. Had root tabs left over and used them before and got crazy growth before
  15. Started planting my tank with Val that I had from another tank that got left to grow out of control. My question is how close can I plant val and other plants together ? The substrste is the fluval stratrum and using root tabs
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