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  1. I just realized this forum existed this morning, and I'm excited to join! I have a 40 gallon with a couple of axolotls, a 10 gallon beta community tank, and I'm setting up a new 20 gallon tall (pictured). I'm looking to put an apistogramma pair in this, along with a school of harlequin rasboras. The harleys are easy enough to find, but I'm having trouble locating any local places that sell dwarf cihlids. So far, it looks like Dan's Fish in Wyoming looks to be a decent supplier - but I was hoping to source someone locally (Kentucky/Midwest) first before ordering online. Any recommendations for tropical fish stores in the KY/TN/IN region? Thanks!
  2. I'm in Louisville, so this is awesome to know your warehouse is so close now. @Cory Any plans to open a storefront around here at some point? I feel like we're sorely lacking some aquatic specific shops in my neck of the woods.
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