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  1. I've been thinking of adding a couple small gouramis, but I always feel it'd be a little crowded for them. The tank is very heavily planted.
  2. I'll be adding a couple dozen shrimp today to see what happens.
  3. This tank has 6 glowlight tetras, 6 ember tetras, 6 corys, a banjo cat, a bristlenose, two clown plecos and a few otos, none of which seem to be interested in the worms haha. if they're just detritus worms, I don't mind them. I like biodiversity in my tanks, just want to be sure they're not harming any of my other critters. The substrate you see around them is medium grain black diamond blasting sand capping over potting soil. The worms look bigger in the video than they are, they're no thicker than, say, a sag root.
  4. I haven't seen them on the glass or water column so I'm not sure yet. This tank had dozens of shrimp and plenty would come out during feeding. If the worms aren't the cause, I really don't know what it could be. I'll try adding a dozen more and see what happens before I go scorched earth with the Fenbendazole. Interesting enough, I haven't seen any dead shrimp either but choked it up to the snails making quick work of them.
  5. Greetings yall, I recently noticed the shrimp population in my 36 gallon walstad has dwindled to nonexistent levels when I previously had dozens. Upon doing further inspection, I realized I had these little guys wiggling in my substrate! Due to the shrimp disappearance and the subsequent discovery of these worms, I'm leaning toward them being Barbronia weberi but wanted some second opinions before I go ahead and nuke the tank with Fenbendazole. I've yet to see any moving through the water column and the little suckers burrow too quickly for me to grab them out of the deep substrate. All my fish and snail populations are stabled and unchanged. Any input is appreciated! Thank you! [img]https://i.imgur.com/9vgUf5Z.mp4[/img] Sorry, I don't know how to attach the video I took so I'll link to it here: https://imgur.com/9vgUf5Z
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