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  1. Hi guys, about 3/4 months back I purchased two golden rams for my juwel Rio 240. I’ve looked and read all about sexing rams and golden rams and still can't determine what sex these two are? I would say one is more colourful but that’s the only difference I can tell between them so far so any help or opinions would be great.. thank you
  2. Hi, I have several tanks and one of them recently got ich which I’ve never had before. After a few treatments of esha exit and esha 2000 all of my fish seem to doing fine with no visible spots and temperament changes other than my two golden rams. They seem fine and not irritable but for some reason these white marks don’t seem to be shifting and I don’t want to continue treatment as it’s not having any effect. I’ve done the standard actions as in turning my temps up during treatment etc but not 100% what action to take now. Any recommendations would be great? Thanks!
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