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  1. Thank you Tony! I do have one airstone in there already, is that sufficient enough? Quick update, I went to feeding her right now and she seems to be spitting the food out! This is definitely a first since she eats anything/everything so this really worries me. I'm a bit nervous about the medication since I've never had to do so haha. Will this kill the beneficial bacteria? If so, how do I just re-start the cyle with her in the tank? And if I recall correctly, I have to remove any carbon filter? Right now, my filter has the stock cartridge that I think has carbon in it, but inside I had also stuffed a coarse sponge & some biomax in the filter with the intention of changing the filter to an AquaClear with that new sponge and bio media once enough time had passed to get some beneficial bacteria on it. Also, will this kill live plants as well? @Colu
  2. Hi all, To preface: fairly new to aquariums/fish care. So sorry for the lengthy post but trying to give as much detail as I can. I "adopted" a balloon molly and two glowfish danios back in February (well, my BIL was going to get rid of them and asked if I wanted take them). They had them for a few years but could no longer cared for them and I felt bad so I agreed to take them and was just planning on giving them a good "rest of their lives" with their current equipment and that just be it. However, I got attached lol and got really into it, been trying to be more informed. They initially came in a 3.5 gallon tank and then I moved them into to a 5 gallon tank in March (yes, I do realize now that that tank size was still too small). The 2 danios have since passed away at different times within the past 2.5 months. They were the first fish they got 3+ years ago so they might have just been old and more susceptible to infections etc.?, and now I just have the balloon molly. A couple of weeks ago, we moved her to a 10 gallon (we basically moved everything from the 5 gallon into this one, including the 3 live plants (Amazon sword) & Java Fern She usually swims happily around the tank, trying to find things to nibble on, swims up to me when I look in the tank etc. However, the past 3 days she's just been hanging out in one area of the tank at a time, near the top and kind of looks like she has more fast/labored breathing. She still eats okay, but it doesn't seem with the same voracity as I'm used to seeing. No signs of any infection or any issues with the fin/scales that I can see. I've been checking the water parameters every couple of days with the API Freshwaster Master Kit (except for the KH & GH was with Tetra EasyStrips). The latest one yesterday: 8.0 pH 0-5 nitrates (closer to 0) 0 nitrite 0 ammonia 150 GH (Hard) ~between 120-180 KH Current water temperature is ~76 25% weekly water changes (last weekend was last), we do vacuum the substrate I did read that labored breathing near the top of tank may indicate not enough oxygen, but there has been an airstone going (this was there since the 5 gallon), as well as some agitation for the HOB filter (the flow was a bit lower, and I upped it the other day) so I wasn't initially thinking that? I don't think I can upload videos here, but I took this video and uploaded to imgur to show the airstone in the tank and her breathing: https://imgur.com/a/lwhKZyK Please, let me any suggestions you may have. Really attached to this fish 😞 thanks so much in advance!
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