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  1. ka47

    betta fin rot

    unfortunate my betta did pass i fid see it coming as he was very slow after eating three days ago. i really had hope of recovery after he started eating does anyone know what happened. really bad on my part to let him pass. here’s a photo of his gills maybe something was wrong with that?
  2. ka47

    betta fin rot

    ok thanks i’ll get that
  3. ka47

    betta fin rot

    no just a sponge filter
  4. ka47

    betta fin rot

    sorry here’s a pic not the best quality but he’ll swim and then go into this position
  5. ka47

    betta fin rot

    ok great that’s what i did
  6. ka47

    betta fin rot

    here are the tests and the betta. he’s laying on the floor now and laying a little different. since the water looks good should i jot do the water change and just add the medication?
  7. ka47

    betta fin rot

    ok so now there seems to be a little. it of ammonia in the tank and my betta seems quite a bit more sluggish. still tried to eat food today but it was very late so i decided to let him sleep. since he started eating last saturday he’s eaten four then one the rest of the week and then three again yesterday. i did the medicine and have gone through the cycle and finished it today and am starting one more tommrow. i was wondering if i should wait to start another one and add the seachem product again or what i should do. also is the eating a good sign he will recover? also today he was resting a lot today but differently than before when he wasn’t eating by now this time having his head higher than the rest of his body if that makes sense. also here’s the test.
  8. ka47

    betta fin rot

    also should i move over the indian almond leaves? they may still have some methylene blue and aquarium salt on them which i think is not good for the shrimp and plants. would rinsing them be okay or do you think there’s not really gonna be enough of that stuff left to harm them anyways
  9. ka47

    betta fin rot

    also randomly to add i thibk my kribensis has popeye can that be treated with maracyn 2 as well? ok thanks currently acclimating him for an hour then will add him and start treatment straight away
  10. ka47

    betta fin rot

    it’s not really a hospital tank it’s his old ten gallon which used to have ammonia but doesn’t now but it has shrimp and plants that’s good for him? would it be better to just keep him in that one for treatment? or would it be better to do it in the hospital tank?
  11. ka47

    betta fin rot

    do i need a medicine tank for maracyn like will it kill plants and shrimp? because i do have his tank he used to be in which did have ammonia but is now ammonia free
  12. ka47

    betta fin rot

    ok not great news on the ammonia at around 0.5 to 0.75 iirc however there is great news in that my betta ate 4 pellets today!
  13. ka47

    betta fin rot

    does under control mean 0ppm?
  14. ka47

    betta fin rot

    shoot i forgot to get prime today ill have to get it tommrow. also should i wait till there’s no ammonia to dose maracyn or just under 0.5 won’t that stack up a lot? or is that good
  15. ka47

    betta fin rot

    he doesn’t really swim around but if touched he gets a lot of energy for like 5 seconds and he does move locations quite a bit but not really that i’ve seen but it’s definitely happening
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