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  1. Yeah I did a clean out. I need to buy a test kit still on a budget what should I go for?
  2. Tank update: one Amano shrimp died about a day ago but the other is still alive… still suffering from string algae… should I do a water change? here are some recent photos…
  3. I have string algae growing all over my plants and the plants especially my Anubis doesn’t look good need advice on what to do I am scared…
  4. Quick update! Should I keep an eye on any of my plants or are they okay enough?
  5. I now have two happy Amano shrimp in my tank!
  6. Okay update on the shrimp turns out there were 3 got them floating in my tank and 2 of them don’t look great they are at the bottom of the bag but there legs are still moving not sure what to do… the other one looks great he/she is having a great time
  7. Sounds great! Should I start with (2) 3 hour siesta light periods? Update: I got some free dwarf hair grass from a local aquarium store it was from an event. What I didn’t notice is there are amano shrimp so I don’t know what to do as my tank isn’t fully cycled…
  8. Java moss is starting to turn a little brown.
  9. Yeah honest probably to obsessed with something going wrong. Found a clump of roots coming in the water from my Anubis nana and a white film probably from super glue. Thanks for your help tho!
  10. Thank you so much! My plants I think are just weird their roots are growing out of the substrate, and one of the plants roots are all out of the substrate. 😂
  11. My light is a 6500 led my light schedule is 1pm-9pm.
  12. I have noticed some of my Anubis nana looks to have some holes in their leaves is this normal? Do any other plants look unhealthy? Maybe I am paranoid…
  13. So many options which would you get for my tank I don’t have a preference
  14. There is a slight cloudiness, but other than that, the water is very clear. I will add some of the easy green. I was considering getting some plants that float at the very top of the tank, such as duckweed, but I think I am going to wait. Thank you so much for your reply; it is very helpful!
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