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  1. @Sciurus Thanks for the insight! I'll look into a DIY Co2 system for my tank. Was there any guide that you used that you found particularly helpful? Your tank looks awesome. I have a beta and a few shrimp in my tank.
  2. Hi all! I recently bought a monte carlo tissue culture for my 3 gal planted aquarium as I read that its one of the easier carpeting plants to keep. I currently have a decent light but no co2 set up and was hoping for some guidance in the care and keeping of my plant. I unfortunately wasn't able to do the DSM because I am adding it to an already full tank, so I am a little worried about the plant not being able to get its roots established in the substrate (I'm currently using UN controsoil). In addition, I was wondering if any people have had much success using Co2 tablets and a diffuser. I'm hesitant to invest in a full on Co2 system especially since i've read monte carlo can grow without Co2 just much slower but I'm worried that it will have a hard time growing and establishing roots without Co2. I'd love your input on this and also any suggestions for an alternative / lower budget Co2 system (I was looking into DIY systems so any tips for this would be much appreciated). Thx so much! 🫡
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