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  1. Will eat the plants or harmless?
  2. I have a fresh water tank with live plants, tetras, rainbowfish and 7 nerite snails. I was always told nerite don't reproduce in fresh water. Today I found this tiny snail in the tank. Is it a baby nerite or a pest snail I have to worry about that somehow came on plants?
  3. It's wild to picture it right? Especially in larger tanks.
  4. Not Gonna Do It. But I do think about it often lol.
  5. 90 Gallon tank. Can you mix a bunch of Platys, Molly, Guppies and Ender's? I don't plan on doing it but every time I look at my 90 gallon I wonder what would that look like? I am thinking amazingly chaotic.
  6. Any input on Hongsloi over Macmasteri? Similar as far as hardiness or Macmasteri is better?
  7. I am leaning towards 1 single Bolivian ram or 1 pearl gourami based on the suggestions since I don't want to go bigger than their sizes. And upping the Cory population. Anyone know which is more hardy? I keep my tank well maintained but I live in an area of Florida with heavy coral, stone, rock etc. so the water is super hard no matter what I do. All the current stock is fine but since I never cared for either Ram or Gourami I want to make sure I pick the safer choice rather than the one that looks better. Thanks.
  8. Any good 3-4 inch centerpiece fish that thrive in very hard ward? 300+ ppm
  9. Yeah that's what I did but someone recommended leaving QT always running so I was wondering if there was cheaper alternative than buying another Aquarium Co Op Air Pump for water movement.
  10. Funny I googled and got the same answer but I ignored it because after watching every Terminator movie, including that pile of crap called Terminator Dark Fate, I have a deep mistrust for AI so I was seeking a human response. I was thinking I keep the QT cycles by just adding shrimp to it and when I have a sick fish that needs medication move the shrimp to the established tank. Then move them back to QT when I am done. No idea.
  11. I would gladly leave a permanent QT but how would it work without fish in it?
  12. So I read the Aquarium Co Op Quarantine setup guide and I am going leave second sponge filter in my established tank and move it to QT when I need to quarantine new fish or sick fish. But what about aeration and water circulation? 1) Should I buy an Aquarium Co Op water pump and tubing for the sponge filter? Or is there a cheaper alternative? The QT is 10 gallons. 2) When I have a sick fish and move the sponge filter should take some of the water from the established tank or just put all new water? Thanks in advance.
  13. 90 Gallon Planted Tank, Canister Filter. Lightly Stocked. 5 Boesemani Rainbows, 5 Turquoise Rainbows, 13 Cardinal Tetra, 4 Otocinclus, 6 Panda Corydoras. My centerpiece fish was a sweet peaceful dwarf cichlid but unfortunately he passed away. I am looking for another center piece fish or maybe a small school to add some color/movement to the tank. Any suggestions?
  14. Should I get the aquarium co op sponge filter upgrade kit? Or leave it base? Amazing links thanks.
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