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Justin V1

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  1. My new 40B has been up and running for 2 weeks now. I still have a few plants I want to add, but then I was thinking about adding shrimp first and then once the tank becomes more seasoned add fish. Any wisdom on this would be very helpful, thank you
  2. I’m kinda new to this and people here have been very helpful with advise and wisdom they’ve passed along. So I thought I’d share this experiment should anyone else want to grow out their baby brine shrimp to adult hood. I’m using a 10 gallon tank, air stone, cheap light and a heater. Maintaining water temp at about 78. Added a batch of babies hatched in the Ziss Hatcher I got from the Coop. Then filled the tank up about half way with salt water made with Coop brine shrimp salt. I used 1-TBSP per liter of water. To mix the salt/water I used my VitaMix blender and added Extrems Spirulina flakes for them to eat. After blending, the water had a green tint to it. They must be loving the food because they are growing pretty fast. I’m wondering if they’ll have babies? I’ve also not changed the water, just added as it has evaporated. All this was just a trial run to see how it would go, but it’s proven to pan out so I thought I’d pass it along.
  3. Thank you, I have a planted 150 that I have some algae issues with currently. Many different types of plants. Fast growing and a few slow growing. I use the easy green, liquid and root tabs. It has AI lights. The 40B has a Coop 36” light strip and I was thinking about getting the fish first so there’s plenty of nutrients for the plants to grow.
  4. Thank you, I do like those corys Have you ordered from any of those you recommend ?
  5. So I’m in the process of setting up a new 40B. Planted, no co2, black controsoil, dragon stone is all I know as of now. My wife and I want some small colorful nano fish larger school 15-20 ( cardinal tetra) medium to larger schooling fish 6-8(rainbow), shrimp and a couple bottom dwellers. Any experienced advice would be greatly appreciated. Fish type, quantity, where to buy them, etc. would all be welcomed.
  6. Very cool! Ok, here’s another question. Best way to store BBS until they’ve been consumed and what to feed them. Also can you grow them to a larger size for larger fish?
  7. Ok…. so I just looked now with a light and it does appear that we do have quite a few baby brine shrimp hatchlings!!! also many I hatched eggs too. Should I wait for more to hatch and will the babies get bigger? I do have all the items you mentioned for harvesting
  8. So here we are again, 36 hours into the third attempt to hatch and still no success. I’m not sure what to do from here. The heater has maintained the water temp in the high 70’s/low 80’s, and I’ve done everything else I’ve seen and read to do. The only common denominator at this point is the tap water.
  9. Yes, good catch guys, that was a typo, I’m using tablespoon i just went to Petco and bought an adhesive strip thermometer and a small heater. It’s suppose to stabilize temp at 78. we shall see how it goes this time thanks for the help!
  10. That’s very helpful, thank you. What kind of heater are you using i used two TBS of Coop BS salt
  11. Just started batch 3, water temp is mid 80’s. Here’s the water level
  12. I didn’t check the water temp, or air temp, guessing it would be mid 70’s. My tap water is pretty hard, high 7’s PH and GH is on the high side. I use coop test strips and it’s been a while since I checked my tap water. I’ve not had a single egg hatch, but I bought a sieve for brine shrimp I was planning on reducing air flow once the eggs started hatching. I had it set so that the eggs wouldn’t clump on the surface.
  13. 2- TSP of Coop salt in the Ziss mixed with tap water 1- scoop of coop brine shrimp eggs set air bubbles so the eggs are not clumping on surface, rigid tube to the bottom led light shining on Ziss container
  14. I watched the video twice now with Cory and Dean on hatching brine shrimp, and I purchased all the items needed from AC. I’m now two rounds into it without success. This last attempt has been going for 72 hours without a single egg hatching. Not sure what I’m missing or doing wrong, any help would be very much appreciated.
  15. Watched a Coop video on how to rid the BBA from your tank. In it the one method that seemed to make the most sense was to coat the BBA in place, with Easy Carbon using a syringe. So I tried it. I shut the pump down and coated two areas, with Easy Carbon, kept the pump off for 20 min then turned it back on. The next day I could see a noticeable difference, I repeated the process two days later and now in those two areas there is no more BBA! I’ll eventually treat all the areas where the BBA is, but trying to ration the Easy Carbon I have left since it’s no longer available at AC.
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