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Posts posted by Kirk

  1. Came across some German Blue Rams that are locally bred for sale. My question is being locally bred think these might carry the same issues as imported? Gold Rams were a bitch with some fungus growing on them I culled 12 out of 16. Don’t want to go down that road again… personal opinions welcomed….

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  2. Gold Ram update.

    API Pimafix seems to be the ticket. These guys are 95% better. After the final dose/day they were only somewhat better I let them soak in the water for a couple days, still not much better, but after a water change and a couple days later they look much better! However I found polyguard and it is currently in route so I may hit them with that to see if it can wrap this up Afterwards I’ll then give them a couple weeks to see if the fungus returns. Should probably give them another round of pimafix but polyguard was already ordered. And I have a small fortune tied up in meds. Soooo if this ever arises again with someone else suggest trying api pimafix first. Appreciate everyone’s suggestions!

    Thanks Nerms!

  3. Here’s an update....... nothing works, lol.

    Tried the quarantine trio of meds, Maracyn two, saltwater and Kanaplex.

    Rams all act normal and very active, eat well.

    Any other suggestions before I cull?

  4. 20 minutes ago, KaitieG said:

    For what it's worth, I have only had mine for about a month and a half and I've only seen one out of three of them of them actually eat ONCE.  They are coming out more during the day for me in the last week or so, so I'm thinking that maybe they take a while to settle in?  I put repashy in at night several times a week, and I am assuming they eat then since they seem to be doing well, have plenty of energy, and are not skinny.  There's also plenty of algae on the side and back of the tank for them--thought they might've cleaned that up by now!

    10-4, thanks!

  5. 7 minutes ago, Lifeisgood said:

    Cucumber or zucchini on a fork work well.  The fork makes it sink so no need for blanching.  I tied fishing line to the handle of a fork, so I don’t have to get my arm wet when I want to retrieve it.  Cory showed a fish wholesaler who used sweet potato, I think it was. But I haven’t tried that yet.  I just don’t want veggies which disintegrate too quickly so they would affect my water quality.

    Good idea, I’ll do that

  6. 13 minutes ago, Tamitha said:

    Mine love zucchini. I recently put both a raw piece and a blanched piece in at the same time. The raw piece was preferred. I have panda garras who also love the zucchini so I cut the zucchini in long strips to cut down on bickering. 

    Good deal, I’ll do that.

  7. 4 hours ago, Lifeisgood said:

    They do eat vegetables, Repashy and sinking pellets and wafers.  I am feeding mine extra at night because the barbs that mine are with are such voracious eaters—so I worried about them getting enough food.  And the suggestions that I got were to feed them when the lights go out.  I know they go about in the day too, but a lot of bottom feeders eat day and night.  Keeping anubias plants with them is really good for them too, because they apparently grow a good amount of biofilm for them to eat.  Mine hang out in these plants all the time.

    I just wish I could see in the dark myself so I would know for sure that the Hillstream loaches are eating and that all the food I put in there at night isn’t just going to blossom my snail population!😬

    Yep I feed mostly Repashy. But I too have some boisterous eaters I call my sharks in longfin zebra, leopard danios and Orange van rio tetras. I have nerites so no snail problems. I saw online they’ll do blanched kale, spinach etc. Maybe zucchini? I need something in there that will last long enough for them to get to it. My Kuhli loaches generally take care of anything left over at night. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Anita said:

    I do not have firsthand experience with these cool-looking fish because my tank is on the small side. 

    Aquarium Co-Op published a YouTube video that covers water quality, temperature, food, flow, tank size, lighting, tank mates, etc. I cannot remember if it mentions when they are most active. 

    Here is another.

    You can see the loaches scurrying around in the tank. So, if I had to guess, I would say they are diurnal (active during the day). 

    Yes I saw the video. But don’t recall them eating vegetables. What I’ve read online is blanched spinach, kale, etc. and that they were diurnal. Just wanted someone to confirm.

  9. Just now, Kirk said:

    I’ll try salt. Started watching Cory’s video for dosages. Thanks Dwayne



    Mmiller , thanks for the info if the salt doesn’t work I’ll try your method.

  10. 2 hours ago, Dwayne Brown said:

    @Kirk  I would use aquarium salt before any type of medicine. The reason for this is that a lot of these medicens can adversely affect the fish aquarium salt seems to help almost everything. I had ich in my aquarium and after dosing aquatium salt during eater changes it went away just be sure to do every 3 day water changes and add aquatium salt or the process wont work as well.

    I’ll try salt. Started watching Cory’s video for dosages. Thanks Dwayne


    2 hours ago, Mmiller2001 said:

    Alright, it's probably Epistylis then. You need Kanaplex or Maracyn 2. It will have to be dosed orally, despite the box directions. I like Kanaplex. Grab both Seachem Kanaplex and Seachem Focus. Also, up your water changes. 


  11. 16 hours ago, Mmiller2001 said:

    How many days did you do Ich X?

    I did a week. Using directions on bottle. If anything in the two weeks I’ve used ick x and Maracyn this spot has gotten bigger.

  12. 17 hours ago, Dwayne Brown said:

    Rams in general arent very hardy due to lack of genetic diversity so of you take that and you make a strain that us even less genetically diverse you have a fish that is incredibley susseptable to problems

    Neither Ick X or Maracyn has worked. 
    I agree 100% with you, bad genes. But looks like something would cure this.... I hate to cull this batch out as well. If it is indeed the genes would this be contagious to other fish?

  13. Water parameters all good. Been doing frequent water changes. This is my second round with Gold Rams, first batch had fungus ended up culling them. This batch a couple have this white spot on fins or tails, this one is by far the worst in this batch. Varys with One spot or maybe up to three much smaller spots. I’ve Ich X them, currently using Maracyn on them in another day or two I’ll paraguard them. Had these Rams about 2 weeks. These fish must be acceptable to disease?? Everything I read on them is their hardy but couldn’t prove that by me. Anyone have any suggestions? If I cull this batch out I’m going with Appistos.

  14. I have a 150 gallon tank. Water is soft 3-5. I want to keep Nerites maybe other snails but the fish I have are in their comfort zone. What can I do to help them survive? If I add a wonder shell or cuttle bone is that going to mess with my water hardness to a point my fish are stressed? I really don’t know how much these items effect the water the fish are in.

  15. What kind of spray paint is safe for use in a aquarium?

    krylon fusion went from one look of a spray can to another look.... is it the same?

    plasti dip a rubbery type coating, I’ve seen online could be used?

    what do you aquarists use?


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