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  1. Thank you this gives me some hope. I'll give it some time and provide updates.
  2. Hello fellow fish friends new to the forum! I originally had 4 Gold Laser Corydoras in a 37gal community tank. They were doing pretty well but noticed 1 was always a loner while the other 3 foraged around together. I've always read that Cories should be in schools of 6 or more, so I acquired 2 more hoping to give the loner some buddies. These 2 are a little larger than the original 4 at about 1.5 inches vs 1 inches. But ever since adding the 2 new Cories, all they ever do is hide now. They won't even come out for feeding time anymore. I've also noticed increased skittishness when approaching the tank. This contradicts everything I've read about Cories being more active in larger numbers. No other changes to the tank nor any bullying from tankmates. Same decor, same water parameters. I'm almost tempted to buy a couple more Cories to see if it changes things. Any thoughts? TIA
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