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  1. What other stocking option will you guys recommend cause I'm really new to this no filter tank so I'm not sure hows does the stocking works. Cause I thought that more nerite means less algea problems.
  2. i plan to just use root tabs maybe once every half a year that's all
  3. does this count as heavily planted? i means its still new so I expect to trim some and replant it soon
  4. hmm but its beside my desk so might be a little tricky for a bubble splashing and all near my PC
  5. So Im planning to do a no-filter tank with loads of plants. Im planning just 6 cherry shrimps and 5 Nerite snails what anybody with experience can point of some things for me to look out for? Its a 10 inch cube tank. Its just the start of the cycling process so no nothing yet.
  6. A fluval C3 hob filter running at medium a 50 litres tank aprox 13 gallon tank. I have a anubias, java fern, ludwigia sp red but seems like suffering from root rot and two other plants that i dunno what it is. Will this stocking list work? (Ignore the guppy its dead and the replaced with different plant mention above but the driftwood and stones are the same) 9 green neon 4 kuhli loach 5 cherry shrimp
  7. Dont get the hid and nut number. But as for now the fish shop are close its like 9 at my place will using some of the water outside help relieve the stress on my guppies.
  8. I check my dad fish tank outside which has no filter or whatsort but somehow housing over dozens of fish has good 7.6-7.8 ph. Can i somewhat steal his water over and some grass for some bacterial since its a relatively new tank (1 month)I’ll attach the test strip photo
  9. Thanks so much guys! So to keep it simple i can try hardening my water by adding some crushed coral first to raise ph and KH so they wont die right.
  10. What do you guys recommend for a 13 gallon tank. I just went with guppy cause i just tot they were pretty
  11. Everything looks the same except some chlorine present. The ph is even lower with my tap water. I made sure to boil the woods and scrub the stones. I saw some dude puting baking soda does it work?
  12. i use the strip test it shows 0 for nitrite but I made sure not to overstock with just 2 fish and I do dose prime, stability and flourish with each water change .I got them from I guess a local fish shop cause there isn't a chain shops in my country.
  13. could the woods and rock be the problem?
  14. I'm new to this and my fish seems to be not doing good I have follow instructions on cycling a tank I used prime and stability with it. After like a month or so I started adding 2 guppies in 2 weeks. So at first the seem to be doing good but after a week or so they started losing color and not eating anything. I have tested ammonia looks yellow (not too sure) but I think it's close to 0 and the nitrite and nitrate are 0 and 10. The only thing out of range is the PH which the color code doesn't even show and maybe the KH is a bit low.
  15. not sure if your meant to reply to my post but accidentally posted a new thread AHAHHA. But cause its a new tank and I saw an ammonia spike maybe I added some new fish inside so I dosed according to the whole tank which is 13 gallon.
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