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  1. @Colu thanks so much! okay, should I keep doing what I’ve been doing- every other day 30% water change followed by ich X followed by dosing kanaplex? (I was doing ich X every day before I was dosing kanaplex in the whole tank but started doing only on the kanaplex day because thought might shouldn’t do a water change between kanaplex dosings didn’t want to take any of the meds out too soon)
  2. @Colu definitely raised, looks a little bigger than a grain of salt. Kinda looks like one of the big coarse salt grains. Very white too. Also, no new spots on any of the other fish that I’m noticing
  3. @Colu update: today will be my third treatment of treating the whole tank with kanaplex as well as continuing ichX. Here is how my Molly currently looks. Much better than when starting. still has a few small healing spots on fins. Only thing that worries me is today I noticed 2 new spots 1 behind each fin as shown in picture. Any suggestions?
  4. @Colu Okay! What would you consider a full course? Until the vial of meds are empty or for a certain amount of time? Sorry for all the questions, in my 7 years of fish keeping this is my first time dealing with any sort of disease
  5. @Colu Hi, update! I’ve been using ich X daily now for over a week and Kanaplex along with a 1/3 tank water change daily and my mollie is looking much better! Only a few spots left (mostly on fins now). Couple follow up questions if you don’t mind. I just saw your msg about kanaplex isn’t absorbed great in food, should I switch now to dosing the whole tank instead of soaking it in their food? Also, how long should I continue using ich x and the kanaplex for??
  6. I have to order maracyn2 online. I have Kanaplex in the meantime, can I use that instead until maracyn arrives??
  7. Okay so use Maracyn instead of Kanaplex? I've heard people talk about Maracyn and Maracyn 2 so not sure which to use haha
  8. Only fish I’m seeing symptoms on is this guy. He’s still eating but is staying towards the top of the tank and seems to be itching himself. I’m not sure if it’s ich or epistylis. Some of the spots are flat and some are protruding out a little like a grain of salt. I’ve had 2 other fish die in the last day which they didn’t show any symptoms. My water parameters have not changed, my PH stays on the lower side around 6.6. My temp is 76 degrees. I have Ich X arriving today and was thinking about feeding Kanaplex in food to cover all bases. Please let me know if I should do anything else!
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