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  1. @Guppysnail Thank You, I'm sorry for the trouble!
  2. Hello everyone, I have a problem with my (probably) 1,5 year old guppy. 😞 A few weeks ago he started swimming vertically, his scales started to sticking out, fins clamped, and got very thin. I started treatment with ESHA ndx, cause he had sunken belly. His poops are normal tho. 3 days ago I started to bath him in water with ESHA 2000 and also added more salt to my aquarium but it didn't help. He also developped something white on his body 2 yesterday (first picture) but to me it looks more like a scale that falls off... But I might be wrong. I started to think maybe it's not a disease, maybe he's just old? He's not THAT old, but he's from import and I've heard that imported fish has shorter life span. I also have male only tank. Appetite? He was a beast, didn't let anyone eat. But now he eats like every other guppy. Today he's barely swimming. He just "stands" and moves his fins a little bit like on the third pic. 😞 He previously was swimming under the surface, although I have filter with air pump His tail is torned but it is like this for about half a year now, cause my other guppy was aggressive at the beggining... My parameters: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 10 PH: 7,8 GH: 13 KH: 10 Temp: 74 F Size: 12 Gal
  3. I think that's it. They look very alike. I only hope they won't grow that big 😄 To be honest, I'm not sure. They just don't look like this but I'm not specialist and I don't have suitable knowledge. Ostracods seems to be a little rounder and mine are a little more slender. They are dark and they move very fast, like bugs.
  4. Hello, I've found some weird bugs in my guppy-tank which I can't identify. They are so small, that it's impossible to take a clear picture of them. They are brown/grey with yellowish/lighter patterns, they have about 1 millimeter (0,04 inches), some of them are even smaller. They seems to walk like normal land bugs. Water in the tank is brackish. Does anyone have idea what this could be? They don't look like ostracods imo. 🤔
  5. Thank you so much for your response! Also thanks for sharing photos of your beautiful fishes! I was also thinking about rasboras (chilli, galaxy) or cories. I've read about it once, but haven't thought it would make any difference. Maybe that's what I should do... The only thing I'm afraid of is that they multiply fast 😄 And my tank is pretty small Some of my guppies were from import, but most of them were from local fish shops that breeds them. The only one who stayed alive for more than 3 months is my first one/ He's now 1 year old, from import and he seems super healthy. His friends from the shop didn't make it. I keep them in brackish water, they do the best if I add a little bit of salt. That's what I like about guppies 🙂 They are curious of everything and not affraid of anything. 😄
  6. Hello everyone! 🙂 I'm looking for ideas for a fishtank. I was hoping maybe you could advise me freshwater fish that aren't prone to dissease and can live in conditions like this: - PH 7,6 - GH 18 - 13 US gallons (50 l) I was keeping guppies for over a year, but only one of them is with me from the beggining. The rest of them died after 2-3 months... I think my tank conditions are good. I clean it regularly, if I see any dead leaf, I take it out, they have stable temperature, PH, I do 30% water changes every week and test water. My guppies were from different fish store breeders. No ammonia, nitrite, low ammount of nitrate, no chlorine. I've treated them several times for parasites, bacterial disease. I was keeping 5-6 males in 13 gallons. So I was thinking, maybe it's the guppies? They seem to be prone to disseases and maybe they're not that easy fish. I love guppies, they are so cheerful, sociable and have lots of energy. But I hate seeing them suffer.
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