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  1. How is keeping your honey gourami by himself? Does Alfie do ok? I'm thinking of getting a single Honey Gourami for a 10 gallon
  2. my LFS had a large amount of Chili Rasboras the other day, they definitely looked nice. I am inbetween Chilis, Honey Gourami, and Indostomus Crocodilus. Has anyone had the Crocodilus? I just started researching the Crocodilus.
  3. Thank you!!! Have any of you all kept a single Honey Gourami? Was it interactive and did it get lonely?
  4. Hello everyone, I have a 10 gallon tank that has been running for about 10 months. I previously had swordtails but recently traded them in. The only fish currently in the 10 gallon is a juvenile Zebra Pleco. I am looking for stocking ideas? I'd like to get something with a personality. I currently already have a betta in another tank and tetras in a 3rd tank. I'm looking for something a little different. Please let me know your ideas and thoughts!
  5. I woke up today and went to feed my fish and saw this little guy hanging out in my water lettuce!! Do you think it's a Nego Dagua baby?
  6. I'll keep that in mind. I have some frozen blood worms hopefully he will like! thank you!
  7. Hahaha good to know. The swordtails are super active and hunt down any food I place in the tank. The Zebra eventually eats but he can be overpowered by how determined the swordtails are. Do you recommend any carnivore diet items? I have some Repashy bottom scratcher and the Zebra does not seem to be interested in it.
  8. Thank you! I try to pamper him. I hope the Zebra is a male! I'm estimating he is around 10 months old. I currently have about 8 sword tails in the tank with the Zebra. I haven't had livebearers in years and I forgot about much they poop. It's insane. I'm debating on trading the swordtails in and doing a deep clean for the Zebra.
  9. Thank you for the response, it is always nice to get an unbias outside opinion. I agree with you and I hope you are right!
  10. I believe the Nego Daguas are overall newer to the hobby. I ordered mine online, it was a little pricey due to the overnight shipping, but worth it for their safety. I spoke to the breeder and the Nego Daguas I purchased are first generation bred in captivity which is pretty cool. Still have a lot of the wild genes in them.
  11. The Golden Dorado looks quite gorgeous, but ol specimen. I'm curious to hear if you are able to get them to breed. That would be epic.
  12. They must look great together, especially in a group of 11. I have seen videos on Youtube of them spawning, I believe it is definitely possible!
  13. Awesome! I bought 6 Nego Daguas. One had a pretty tore up caudal fin upon arrival from the order. It healed up very quickly though. They definitely run my tank haha. They are very active and periodically chase other tetras and very frequently chase each other. Especially after feeding and a water change. Overall, I don't see any other fish's fins nipped or physical signs of injury from the periodical chasing from the Nego Daguas. They are gorgeous Tetras, their black with white fins really pop. I think that is definitely smart having a tank for them. I wish my tank was larger because the Nego Dagua's can be a bit feisty. How many do you have?
  14. Hello, In February 2024 I received my first Zebra Pleco (juvenile/unknown sex). For a few weeks after that I never saw him eat. Now I see him eat constantly, almost to the point where I can hand feed him. He currently shares a 10 gallon tank with a few sword tails. Below are two images. The left one is from February 2024 and the right image is from today, 09/12/24. He looks to be about the same size? From my understanding Zebras mature very slowly. Does his gut overall look healthy? Curious everyone's thoughts. February 2024 09/12/24
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