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  1. Yeah that’s why I was confused - intentionally got Nerites so we didn’t risk an explosion - hopefully all will stay in balance and we only have a few of these new guys!
  2. Awesome thanks so much for the speedy reply!
  3. Hi aquatic experts! Thanks for all the help we’ve gotten from lurking here! After getting our tanks set up and cycled, we decided to add some nerite snails so we wouldn’t have to manage reproduction explosions - just put 3 new ones in a week ago. Silly me, I added some hornwort after a 10 minute soak in bleach about a month ago… didn’t see any snail eggs but now I’m pretty sure I missed at least one as we just spotted the attached little guy speeding around - am I right thinking this is a bladder or pond snail, and not a nerite that hitched a ride unnoticed?? Thanks so much!!
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