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  1. Hello all, we had a few good months and have gotten a few more fish and shrimp. All in another tank. We have had a betta( got her as a baby) from Petco, for 2 and a half months and out of nowhere she stopped moving. She won’t eat. She just lays on the bottom looking like she’s dead. I have tested the water for ph, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, and it all came back within range. I also keep and eye on temp and it’s always between 75-80. Doesn’t seem like swim bladder. My daughter is heartbroken. Any ideas?
  2. Hello all! I am new here and new to owning fish. We have a small 5 gallon tank I got for my daughter with 2 male guppies and 2 small shrimp. They have all been thriving and doing amazing until this morning I went to turn on their lights and realized one of the guppies was face down with a piece missing from his take a chunk missing from his stomach? My daughter was heartbroken but I don’t want to replace him and it happen again. Does anyone know why this could have happened?
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