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  1. I’m back yet again with more questions! Fish seem to be improving, they’re opening their fins again now i’ve treated them but i’ve noticed one of my cichlids has these big white spots on their fin. I can’t remember if he had it before so just wondering if this could be markings or is it an issue? or related to ich?
  2. Is anyone able to tell me what type of catfish he is? Finally been able to get a photo of him!
  3. I’ll keep my eye out for any damage on their fins. Since the salt is for helping get rid of ich, i’ll be doing a few water changes over the next week or so, so the salt will be reduced massively and hopefully they won’t get fin damage then.
  4. Thank you very much for everyone’s help 😊 so far he seems okay, very lively and swimming around so i can only hope he stays that way
  5. I’m going to leave any further water changes for now since I’ve put white spot treatment in the water and it’ll be pointless. I’ve just added a sponge filter into the tank to help get rid of excess food & fish poo so hopefully this will help bring the nitrate levels down. I’m going to let the treatment run its course and hopefully the fish will be okay now!
  6. my tank has been running for about around 4-5 weeks now Ammonia is fine, nitrate is saying high
  7. I can’t seem to reply to individual comments? But I believe my catfish is a pictus catfish. I cycled my tank for a week before adding any fish, let those settle for a week & then added more fish. I’m worried because they definitely seem bothered by the ich, they’re swimming against the gravel quite a lot and as i said, I’ve had 2 fish die:( Yes I do have test strips, they’re saying my nitrate levels are high but I did a 1/3 water change last night so wondering whether the ich treatment is affecting the nitrate levels now? I’ve added the best picture i could get of the white spots on my cichlid
  8. I’m new to keeping fish and have recently set up a 250L aquarium with cichlids, bristle nose plecos and a catfish. I’ve lost 2 fish over the last 2 days and have now noticed they’re covered in white spot, i’ve put treatment in the water and aquarium salt. But I’ve now seen people saying catfish and plecos are sensitive to aquarium salt & i’m worried it’s going to burn them or kill them?? Can anyone give a bit of insight on this? Thank you 🙂
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