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  1. That’s perfect! I would be pretty pissed if once it started to really fill in, all of sudden went downhill 😂 Maybe in another couple months I’ll give an update
  2. Definitely, ive been working on the back lately it’s very bare still. When you say nutrient depletion, will all the plants begin to die off? Or do you mean more of the excess nutrients?
  3. Update on my dirted tank as of September 2nd 2024. Took @Rube_Goldfish and @Creedmoor Aquatics advice. and I think it’s beginning to fill in much better after 7 months!
  4. Fair enough, maybe one day you will go for it! It seems to be a lot of work to achieve a carpet. I would much rather just have a jungle of plants at this point. Through the link you sent I do see some in the major cities. Like Toronto and Ottawa. I will look into them they are about a 2-3 hour travel from where I live but it may be worth it. thanks for all your help!
  5. It’s something I would have to look into. I don’t know of any fish clubs or that there was such a thing. That’s a great idea though. I have had luck on Kijiji buying local plants and shrimp. Definitely better prices, but it’s hard to find local people with a variety of plants. do you have a Dirted tank you were trying to carpet in?
  6. Thanks rube_goldfish! I’m going to try some more stem plants for sure I like the crypts as-well. It’s very pricey for plants in Ontario. I paid 16.99 cad for 3 stems of bacopa carolinia at the big box store. I did have some Monte Carlo, I believe it was anyways. But it didn’t survive… I also used play sand which is very small grained, maybe that was the cause of death? I think it’s harder to get plants established. But it holds the dirt down very well.
  7. Thank you for your reply, that will be my next plan of attack then. Would you suggest any plants in particular? The rotala and dwarf Lilly really grew like crazy after everything settled in. I’ve been replanting the rotala in the back right corner to try and fill the space. My swords and valasaneria have taken awhile but are starting to grow well now after melting and coming back.
  8. Hey everyone, I’m new to the forum thing. I was looking for any input on my dirted tank. It’s a 40 gallon but it’s 4 feet long and 16 inches high by 12 inches deep. It’s been running for about 4 months now it houses 12 galaxy rasbora, roughly 40 blue dream shrimp. 1 otocinclus ( there was 3 but I believe two were unhealthy and died shortly after getting them home) and a bunch of snails that came from plants. There is diatom algae that my Otocinclus and snails keeps under control. But now I’m starting to see some green algae just starting around the upper glass and drift wood. I don’t see much for nitrates either on my test strips. Would you add more otocinclus? More plants? Less light? Any ideas are welcome and thanks to anyone who can help out! i have well water so it’s very hard, but I think the fish like the water quality. Plants all seem healthy aswell. I run the lights for 8 hours on timers.
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