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  1. Rabbit snails are so fun! I have a few in a 16 gallon long with neocaridina shrimp and celestial pearl danios. I haven't had any issues with that combo and regularly find baby rabbit snails. I also have bladder and ramshorn snails in the tank and I have found that, when they get to abundant, they can outcompeted the rabbit snails (especially the babies). I regularly remove some of the bladder and ramshorn snails to stop that from happening. I feed them green beans regularly and different wafers/shrimp pellets. They don't seem very picky. Have fun with them!
  2. Does anyone have updates on what worked or didn't work for them? I'm having the same issue of dead brine shrimp after months of success. I'm going to try mixing my water the night before and lowering the amount of air (I'm using a nano pump), but curious if anyone found a solution.
  3. I agree it's a dragonfly larvae. I used to breed mosquito fish outdoors and the dragonfly larvae would occasionally prey on the newborn fish.
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