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  1. @Colu I’ve had the gouramis since around April I believe, pretty sure they ate yesterday but I haven’t fed them today because I wasn’t sure if I should, no rapid breathing it looks like they aren’t even breathing at all but I know they are alive because they move once in a while, and I have no medication because I live in Canada and have no idea where I could buy some I think the worst of the two is pineconing but I’ve never seen pineconing before so I’m not entirely sure
  2. Yesterday I noticed one of my homey gouramis was extremely lethargic, it appeared dead and would only move once in a while just to go to the surface and then lay back on the bottom of the tank. It also has some swelling or something towards its tail fin? It’s a bit hard to see but I circled it in a photo. Today one of my other honey gouramis has been sitting on the bottom too now but it is not swollen and sits upright rather than on its side like my other one. I have no idea whats wrong with them. I’m about to do a water change because my tank is due for one anyway but I would appreciate any other advice These are my water parameters: pH: 8.0 Nitrates: 10-20 Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 Water Temperature: 76°
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