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  1. @Guppysnail I'm a bit relieved. The internet suggested it's likely dangerous parasites, and I was convinced I got infected for sure, and there is no hope for me 😆 It's true, they are eating, cruising and reproducing. I don't feed them at all, they consume whatever they find and multiply at an alarming rate. I plan to introduce Clea Helena to the tank to keep an eye on the population growth. I was searching for similar results on Google Images, and I quickly came across your response 😉 Thanks everyone for help and analyzing my bladders poop! 🫡 PS. Bonus picture of epic battle, or something else... idk
  2. Let me call out @Guppysnail who once helped identify a bladder snails poop on this forum, and since I couldn't find similar threads anywhere on the internet, he's an expert in this niche for me 😅 sorry for disturbing 🙃
  3. @Tlindsey Not good, but I'll keep an eye on it. So far, I've noticed it twice. It's hard to say whether it was moving or just moves by water currents. After detaching from the snail, it sank to the bottom. Perhaps it consumed shrimp food that's almost white too? It's hard to tell. My friend doesn't throw random stuff into the aquarium from unverified sources, some stones found outside, but he always sterilizes them before. We'll see.
  4. @Tlindsey This is a new tank, set it up about a month ago. Got the substrate and plants from a friend, so got some snails eggs as a bonus. Added 10 neocardina shrimps four days ago, and for now, that's the whole crew.
  5. Hello guys, I have a few bladder snails in my tank, well now probably a few dozen... Recently, I noticed that some of them have white, completely white, coiled threads sticking out, like in the picture. I've read a lot about their poop, seen a lot of pictures, and the shape seems to match, but not the color. Supposedly, it should range from green to brown depending on their diet, and indeed, most bladders in my aquarium produce feces in that color. So, just to be sure, I decided to ask. 😄 I even analyzed their anatomy and which side they have their anus on, lol.
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