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  1. So yet another things since this has been so helpful. I’ve been in the hobby about a year and this is my 4th tank. I had never purchased any snails but of course as with any planted tanks I have many. The rabbit snail was my first purchased one. When I got him from the store the back of his shell was kinda messed up. Idk if you can really see in the picture ( it’s from above the water ) ( I couldn’t get any better pics because he is the back of the tank. But the damage is like big cuts that are white into the shell. He was the only one the store had and was in a tiny little 1 gallon tank. So I took him home to give him a better life. But is there anything I can do to fix his shell or should I even worry about?
  2. Thank you! I actually did exactly what yall said. I spot feed him directly. Did some blanched veggies. When I put them close by him he went right for it. I went with carrots and just like y’all said the other fish aren’t messing with him at all. I will definitely continue. Now I gotta ask what is a snellos?
  3. It’s in a community tank. But I feed everyday. Either veggies or pellets to the bottom feeders. Brine shirmp, bloodworms, flake, stick on side tabs. It’s a mixture of stuff for the other fish. But maybe I need to concentrate on him more and make sure he eats what I give him.
  4. So I have had my rabbit snail for about a month now. At first everything was great. But I have caught him in the act twice now straight going to town on my tiger lotus. Everything I am reading this does not seem normal. What is going on? I have a fully planted 55 gallon. He does not go after any other plant. But he has eaten about half of one of the plants. I mean he sits at the bottom near the bulb and eats through the stems of the leaves. Fresh, fully alive and thriving leaves.??? I’m seriously about to take him out of the tank because that is my favorite plant.
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