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Posts posted by Duzzy

  1. On 7/6/2024 at 12:48 PM, Tlindsey said:

    I have a diy 3 drawer wet/dry sump with acrylic overflow box works by gravity on a 180gal. Have ceramic, plastic pot scrubbers, and ceramic media. @Duzzy

    Cool idea.  I love using pot scrubbers too but in this case they’ll be too big I think.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi all, 

    I’m buying plumbing today for my next tank and the diy internal filter. In your tanks, those that have filtration other than air driven what over flow or intake do you prefer? Surface skimmer, comb or intake or something else? The filter I’ve designed is basically an internal sump first section will be 3 grades of sponges, noodles and bio media in section 2, heater, diy co2 reactor and pump in section 3. What’s your preference?

    regards Duzzy

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  3. Thanks Mark and Lindsey.  I was thinking similar I was just wanting confirmation or reassurance from someone before proceeding.  I’d thought of superglue but I always end in such a mess plus if I ever remove it I can with silicon and a razor.  The filter sump section will have 3 compartments 150mm x 150mm x 450mm each enough for my hand to reach in.  Also the baffles will be acrylic I think I’ll use Weldon number 3 or 4 on one side and silicon the other should do.  1st compartment 3 different sponges and noodles, second compartment bioballs so that a peace lily and or pothos and third compartment variable speed pump diy co2 reactor and a heater (if needed). And acrylic covers on top of the 1st and 3rd filter compartments…..


    thanks again

    Regards Darrem

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  4. Hi there, 

    putting a diy sump in a 60 x 45 x 45 cm rimless to make the tank 45 x 45 x45 cm cube.  I’m using black acryli.

    I'm thinking the the pressure on either side will be the same because it’s basically a baffl.

    my question is can I use black silicon?  I know silicon isn’t great on acrylic but I’m thinking it will enough to neatly hold the dividi wall and the filter baffles.

    thoughts possible problems.

    im doing this for the challenge and I love the diy.

    regards Darren

  5. On 11/20/2020 at 2:45 AM, Guppy Guru said:

    I run my whole fish room on 2 linear pumps, 1 pump runs 37 tanks (440 gallons total) and the other is running 15 (20 highs) all with coop sponges or ziss bios. They are almost silent and I love them so so so so much! 

    Hopefully this string will give you some good tips!

    What pump is it you are running to get 37 tanks if you don’t mind me asking.  And do you have a release valve?


    regards Duzzy🇦🇺

  6. Hi there, 

    has anyone used the Nitto Kohki Medo LA80B blower it’s the only linnear piston model I’ve been able to in Australia I believe I’ll need to add a bleeder valve and gauge to reduce strain on motor. They’re $450-$550 here which is fine (more than expected but fine…)

    any body had experience with them?

    regards Duzzy🇦🇺

  7. On 12/5/2023 at 9:28 AM, jwcarlson said:

    I don't have any recommendations, but I'm thinking that you might mean 7-10 liters per hour not per minute?  

    This is the one that Cory recommends:

    Linear Piston Air Pump for Aquarium Fish Rooms and Fish Stores – Aquarium Co-Op (aquariumcoop.com)

    According to my research a matter filter uses 7-7.5 litres per minute.  Coincidentally I’m getting the bigger model to Cory’s and installing a gauge  with a bleeder valve.

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