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  1. Thanks for the input. I had my suspicions about the acid and alkaline buffers needing to be used together also, I’ll continue to do some research and experimenting. Also I live in south Florida so my water is very hard from the tap around 175 -250 tds and it fluctuates a lot (I’ve seen as high as 450ppm). The ph from the tap a little over 8 and usually settles out to around 6.8-7.2 after a couple hours in a bucket. They started to replace the water main pipes in the ground and my already fluctuating levels went through the roof. They also started adding something that comes up as ammonia on multiple tests but it won’t come out with ammonia remover/ dechlorinator even after multiple days and I’ve got no idea what it is. so in order to not kill my fish I’m going to be experimenting with this ro/di unit
  2. Recently my local water went bad for unknown reasons, crazy high ammonia and nitrates that won’t come out with ammonia removers, so I’m having to switch over to an RO/DI unit. Any recommendations on remineralizing it? I’ve seen people use Seachem equilibrium with acid buffer and alkaline buffer, but I was wondering if there was a simpler solution instead of mixing all 3 to try and get a consistent ph, gh, and kh.
  3. Thanks. I’ll try and post updates as much as I can
  4. For now they are in a 40 breeder for quarantine and grow out a bit then I’m planning on putting pairs in 75s. id love to make a journal of these fish and the whole process of growing up, and hopefully spawning, I’ve wanted a pair of these for a long time and my LFS finally got a batch. (Unfortunately where I live the demand for high quality fish isn't high so these took years to finally come in) Should I post updates here or somewhere else?
  5. That’s what I figured, it was the same for my koi’s. Thanks for the response. I’m hoping I’ll get at least one pair from these six
  6. Just got a 6 tank bred Altum angelfish and was hoping for suggestions on trying to get a pair out of them. I’ve read angelfish will pair off on their own but I was wondering if there was any good advice for care and potentially breeding them. I already have a breeding pair of koi angelfish and have my first batch of fry, but I’m not sure these if these fish need anything different from a standard koi angel
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