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  1. Okay thank you for you help!! , I’m going to head to my local fish store tomorrow morning and see if they have it in stock. This morning both cats are back to their normal hiding spots and seem to be almost back to normal. I have kept the moon light on for the day.
  2. Okay I just got home from work. All goldfish are swimming around. One goldfish still has a few white “salt spots” I’m happy at least that both my catfish went back into hiding. They wiggled their tails when I shined my flashlight which is normal behavior. My pleco is also back to his normal self for the most part. I am going to have to continue to treat for ich. After observing again I think it is definitely ich not epistylis. The catfish might be red and lethargic due to medication and the salt treatment? I’m confused maybe I over dosed the ich x? I’m going to continue to observe and do water changes daily. I’m just worried about using the ich x again
  3. Okay I got a pic of one of them. Here is a pic my boyfriend sent me while I am at work. He is still hanging at the bottom.
  4. Also though my goldfish are responding to the ich treatment, which makes me question it. I don’t see my catfish like ever so it’s hard for me to tell if their eyes look normal or not. The fact that they aren’t hiding is what has me worried. They did look a bit “fuzzy” before I left today for work, but they are black and already have the white dots so it’s so hard to tell!!
  5. I am almost sure that it is epistylis now that I’m reading these comparisons side by side. I’m gonna have to take another closer look when I get home and I’ll try to get a pic of the fish as well to see if you agree. I assumed ich because of how common it is but my fish seem to be rapidly dwindling besides the goldfish.
  6. Okay then I’m wondering if it’s just the ich then that’s making them this way. I will raise the temp slowly. I have it at 72 right now. The catfish are still just laying on their sides on the bottom of my tank. It’s weird that they both are acting this way. My pleco seems unphased.
  7. But can the catfish handle salt? I was worried because I already put 1 tbsp in when I started the ich-x and I think that’s what killed the Japanese algae eater. I didn’t know that catfish and algae eaters are sensitive to salt.
  8. *I’m new here- first time posting and new to this hobby* I had an ich outbreak in my tank. It came from a fish that I had purchased from Petco. It infected my entire tank, and the new fish died within two days. I treated with ich x after doing almost a complete water change. My goldfish seem to be doing slightly better today, however..my Japanese algae eater seemed extremely stressed, lost his golden color and I found him dead today. I also have noticed my two spotted raphael cats surface swimming? Coming out during the day which is extremely odd behavior. I have barely seen them in the year I’ve had them. I immediately panicked and did almost another complete water change and replaced the filter inserts. The cats are still alive but so lethargic. And still sitting out in the open. My heart is broken. I am so worried that I’m going to lose them both. What should I do next? I have not dosed ich-x since the most recent water change today. Although ich-x has no copper in the ingredient and says it’s safe for scaleless fish such as catfish and algae eaters. My water parameters will not be a correct reading due to all of the water changes the past three days. I will get a pic of my cats when I get home this evening from work. I hope someone has some experience. I’ve combed through the internet and Reddit searching for any advice, and I’m not finding much 😔
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