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  1. you should be fine, but consider placing the tanks along walls or perpendicular to the floor joists for better support. Figure youre at about 600 lbs for your 55 gallon and at about 900 for your 75 gallon.
  2. Welcome to the hobby! It's a bummer about the Anubias rot. Nitrate levels being too low is an interesting take—I haven't heard that one before. Usually, they're hardy plants. Maybe check if there's any issue with the roots or if they were initially healthy when you got them. Increasing nitrates slowly and keeping an eye on other water parameters might help. Any other ideas from the fish store?
  3. Your setup with the Tidal 75 and hillstream loaches sounds awesome! For tankmates, cardinal tetras could bring a cool contrast, and candy cane tetras might add some extra flair. Just keep an eye on the water flow for them. Exciting times with the barb tank and the mbuna setup too! Any thoughts on other potential buddies for the hillstream loaches?
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