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  1. Any input helps a lot. Just the confirmation from other people is a big relief. What size filter do you have?
  2. My nitrates have never gone up too crazy. The longer I don’t rinse my canister is when I notice my nitrates elevating. it caught me off guard when the fish die not sure if something was wrong with my water parameters. ill keep a closer eye on them. thanks for your input
  3. Hi, thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I have a 75g so what ends up happening is that my water evaporates about 1/8 of a tank and every week I add water only. If my parameters are a little off I change the water 25% or even 50%. I have a fluval fx6 because when I first got into hobby I bought a turtle, damn they produce a lot of waste. I rinse all my filtration with the water from my canister. I never use tap water to rinse any filtration. What worried me was the cichlid was not too old about 6 months. Currently what I have is 12 cichlids, 2 catfish, 2 plecos, 2 cory catfish and one silver dollar.
  4. Thanks Cory, I’ll keep an eye on them and look into raising my gh a bit.
  5. Wow thank you for replying. I been watching all your videos. Very informative, thanks. What do you think about my gh and hk?
  6. Hey guys first time posting on the forum. I had fish for a few years now and i haven’t had fish die on me for a few years now. Today I found a African cichlid dead at the bottom of the fish tank. I usually just check the common water parameters. PH: 7.8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 today I got the GH and KH GH: is between 60-120 KH: Is between 80-120 what do you guys think of my water? I am new in checking the gh and hk not sure what to look for. I don’t have any plants. I clean my canister filter every 3 to 4 weeks. Thanks for your help.
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