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  1. Okay cool will do that then. I was thinking of following Irene’s (Girl Talks Fish) method of dosing it and keeping the medication there for a week and then doing a water change
  2. Wanted to update you guys that the medicine will be arriving tomorrow but the panda Cory seems to be doing a bit better. It’s eating more and it isn’t lethargic as I catch it moving around here and there
  3. Haha no I haven’t. Can you send me think link to that 😮. It wouldn’t harm the fish?
  4. Yeah neocaridina 😮 hmm it’s gonna be a little difficult with the floating plants I purchased today but I’ll try to increase my flow I don’t have a qt tank ready but maybe I’ll try to move them there with my established filter. Just catching them would be pretty difficult to do and I’ll try to find a little plate to use
  5. @Colu Okay thank you guys. I ordered the medication I just hope it gets here in time. Is it safe to dose it in my planted tank with shrimp in it?
  6. @nabokovfan87 the one from the sponge filter picture also looks ill to you? 😕 dang these poor little guys GH: 10 kh: 5 ph: 8 Would a high gh be responsible for this? I thought the substrate thing was a myth becuase of what I heard from Cory. I hope it isn’t hurting them. but Ill looking into getting a plate I’m going to have to order the medication so it might take a minute, is there anything you’d recommend I do in the mean time and should I quarantine them from the tank when I do medicate them? Yes they have two air stones and sponge filters in the tank that they’re in. They seem to be eating decently well when I put the food in but they definitely leave leftovers. I feed them the bottom feeder Hilary sinking plates
  7. @Colu I purchased this Cory along with the other ones from petsmart about 3 days ago. I havent seen it zip to the top for a minute now and I just noticed the symptoms today. No spitting of food that I’m aware of. I haven’t tried any medication yet as I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with the little fella more pics: (one on the right is the ill one) lmk if pictures of the other Cory’s is necessary as well
  8. Water Parameters: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0-5ppm Water Temperature: 75 degrees Seems to be the only panda Cory with this problem. Any help is greatly appreciated
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