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Big B

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  1. I just wanted to update and say Abby is doing great. The fin rot stopped and she is a happy fish swimming around. Thanks again for the help!
  2. I will do that right now! TY!
  3. I'll get the leaves now. Thanks so much!
  4. I can't thank you enough for providing your suggestions and answers and explaining that video. She still has her energy this morning and looks better. I'll stick to the plan you laid out and appreciate the help!
  5. Hi, I'm new to fish ownership and needing some help. I found this forum through the comments in the below video. Today I moved my betta fish because I saw a hole in her tail so I moved her to a hospital tank. my nitrite numbers were 1.0 so I got her out. There was nothing sharp to cause damage. She is also red and the color is dulling. I dosed with Ich-X and Maracyn. I have an air stone going too. I know in the video it says to not follow the directions on the box for dosing. Can someone confirm if I just dose once, no water change, no food, and wait 7 days or am I supposed to dose daily? Thanks to anyone taking the time to read this and respond.
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