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  1. I couldn't test it earlier had to run my son to gymnastics. However I just tested it with what I could. Nitrate between 0-20 ppm closer to zero Nitrite 0 ppm GH between 0 and 25 closer to zero KH between 180 and 300 ppm closed to 300 PH 8.4 or higher Ammonia between 0 and .5 closer to zero. Unfortunately I don't know exactly when it started with the holiday I've been really busy so I've been feeding and just kinda glancing making sure they are swimming and they were acting normal. He (lieutenant) had been harassing my other fish (Callie) but other than that I haven't noticed any difference in behavior. I'm just really upset because I just lost my other fish (Sonny) due to an internal parasite and I lost him because I just didn't know the signs. I drove back to the fish store and they helped me after seeing a video of him and testing my water but unfortunately it was too late and he passed on and is buried. I am feeling so horrible and was about to give up on the hobby because I feel like I'm just hurting my pets because I don't know enough and there's no help anywhere near me. Finding info on the web is hard too because there's sooo many things it could be I feel like I'm on web MD for a headache and walking away thinking I have a tumor.
  2. I'm going to start adding melicure. Hope it gets better.
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