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  1. We have 1 batch of 1 week old free swimmers and one batch of wigglers, I typically raise Corydoras so I’m used to more docile fry , the angels are definitely little hunters so I appreciate your experience with their personalities! I even offered to let another hobbyist raise eggs if they laid again since their last batch was eaten by the parents. I definitely wanted higher odds being that I’m so new to raising these guys but am aware of risks of overcrowding… I always have an empty 220 I could use the excuse of setting up 😂
  2. Definitely keeping that in mind , also keeping in mind this is our FIRST TIME raising angelfish fry , but not fry in general! I just like to ask questions and do extensive research before doing anything, I have always been a worry wort especially when it comes to my animals! Most breeders reported a survival rate of only 30%… 80% for more experienced breeders. I’m definitely keeping odds in my favor! The last batch was of unknown genetics whereas this will be our first true line. I also have atleast 2-3 store fronts waiting, I’ve been personally selling and donating fish and entire tank set ups to the community for quite some time. I’m a teacher and set up tanks for other classrooms , I help maintain them and teach about animal care! I have dozens of local aquatic hobbyists waiting for babes and getting the licensing and registration to sell these guys for real!! I’ve worked with aquatic plants and live bearers then worked aquatic retail to get my name out in the community! I also have extensive experience shipping and have the capability to print labels from home with immediate pick up from postal services ! I appreciate the caution and it’s definitely something we’ve kept in mind , even leaving partial batches for the parents so they don’t go on full rampages after removing the eggs lol. Your fry are beautiful! I enjoy the process of raising , breeding and selling fish. I run an aquatic rehabilitation and rescue with over 20 active tanks in 2 locations !
  3. What do you think about raising 2 batches a week apart together? I just worry the older babies may go after the wigglers since they’re decent hunters but would love to be able to optimize space
  4. Most of my beta tanks are uncovered, I’ve only had one Betta jump who was sick and in quarantine. I try to keep the water level 3-4 inches lower than normal and add plants to the top of the tank for done coverage as a deterrent. Bettas will typically only jump to hunt or due to illness/ bad water parameters. You can train them to jump for treats , I’ve had plenty of trained jumpers do fantastic without a lid. It’s always a risk but if you’re home a lot to observe and drop the water it’s typically safe
  5. Oh absolutely, I have atleast 2 store locations waiting for my fry… I began getting my name out there just giving away livebearers so people knew I was reliable and trustworthy. Currently out of work for 6 months , I have over 14 tanks set up currently with space for more and the capacity to do rack systems! Ive sold aquatics for years and have quite a few people in the community waiting ! Shipping is one thing I am apprehensive about but do have experience with and have the capabilities to ship from and print labels from home ! im also a teacher so I donate my old tanks and set up classrooms all the time with fully planted set ups and just do the maintenance for them monthly until they’re comfortable. I also have given many set ups and tanks to parents/members of the community and love educating on fish care!
  6. Thank you so much I tried a dash today , some definitely seemed interested while most were just hanging out lol !! Also I really appreciate all of your help and advice. It will really come in handy I JUST rescued these angels dumped at petco, similar story to the parents of the first batch. If only people knew that “aggressive behavior” was them being preparing to be great parents! 5 days of being with me and we have eggs!
  7. You have been a godsend !! Thank you so much! Still think I should wait? I feel so bad not feeding them ! @AllFishNoBrakes 😂
  8. Just learned this ? Tried feeding and no one is eating , will do a decent water change! Thank you so much
  9. Thank you all so much for the help in getting our first successful batch of angels!! I was wondering, when do you feed ? I have a FEW free swimmers out of hundreds, will they be okay waiting until the rest are free swimming? I do still see egg sack so I believe we just have some early bloomers 🤍 Live brine shrimp are ready , I also have Hikari first bites!
  10. Thank you so much for your response & reassurance!!
  11. Question about feeding fry when they’re free swimming! We have our first swimmer lol, do you wait until most are hatched ? I also see egg sack still should I wait until the sack looks smaller ?
  12. I really do appreciate it ! Thank you so much for your help!
  13. I get it , I just hate seeing such a fail rate in the 2.5 I’m concerned it’s not sterile enough. It has substrate aswell and didn’t think that was good for them whereas the 29 is bare bottom. Do you think me making one of your tray set ups for the 29 would help , or would the tank change be a concern of shocking them. They get water from the 29 and the 29 has established water / media
  14. I did try and got quite a few wigglers in the process. I’m trying the few wigglers in the 29 to see how they do , I would prefer them in the 29 as it’s a more sterile environment.. I understand feeding needs to be very intentional in that case to make sure all fry have an opportunity to hunt
  15. the one that have fallen are not moving or wiggling. The one that was wiggling that fell last night is absolutely gone. Im so apprehensive to let them go off of the leaf in this tank as it’s already proving to be risky! I don’t know how else to get them away from the fungus *I have tried removing the white eggs but they are too clustered together and formed to the leaf* I am harming more wigglers than the fuzzy eggs by trying! Can I add anything other than methalyne blue with wigglers ? I do not have MB & believe it is dangerous for humans !
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