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  1. I had it at about 30 psi Some good news. I contacted the retailer and co-op via email as I believed I was ready to begin a return process, owner called me over the phone and explained some troubleshooting options before we send it back. Theres the little circular piece (i’m not too sure what its called) underneath the working pressure valve, I was instructed to try to turn it 1/8th counter clockwise. So I took the regulator off and did that, I also removed the metal piece on the solenoid connector and cleaned it out and reconnected it. Don’t know exactly what happened but it is now functioning! I had connected it back to my timer and it had shut off at 10pm, the bubble counter is not producing any more bubbles a couple minutes after 10. I will continue monitoring it but it appears all is well. Thanks Aprils Aquarium and Co-Op for the assistance. 🙂 Cheers!
  2. Thank you. I’m from Canada and had to have this product shipped from the other side of the country (a store that sells Co-op products in BC). So that’s unfortunate 😞
  3. Hey! I’m pretty new to the hobby. I am having trouble with my brand new CO2 regulator. I purchased this brands kit for my new CO2 cylinder. I’m running a 35 gallon planted tank. Arrived today, and I went to to set it up following the guide to the T. All appeared to go well at the surface, I had it set to 1bps, plugged in the solenoid valve into the timer for 10pm. (11pm lights shut off). The light goes red on the device, and I heard a click. However I returned and looked at the bubble counter an hour later and it was still producing bubbles. The solenoid light was off, so the timer functions correctly (i also bought the timer today, same one as the setup video) Thoughts? I turned the CO2 valve OFF because I didnt want it to inject into the tank all night. I do have an air stone, but im more wondering what the problem is. Cheers, thanks for reading.
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